- Construction bois
- Autre
Fabrication de roulottes et cabanes
"Le Sable, enquête sur une disparition"
"Le Sable, enquête sur une disparition"
- Architecture/Construction
- Environnement
- Ecologie
- Gestion de l'eau
- Risques et prévention
- Transitions
- Urbanisme/Aménagement
- Carreleur
- Charpentier
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Maçon
- Menuisier
Entreprise coopérative de rénovation écologique ayant le label RGE.
Thierry Vanvert / Delphine Soetart / Martin Geib /
Mise avant des matériaux naturels les moins industrialisés possibles : paille, terre...
La structure est aussi organisme de formation et propose des formations terre/paille terre/chanvre notamment en lien avec Ecolodeve.
4èmes rencontres informelles de la cuisson solaire & éco-habitat
5èmes rencontres informelles de la cuisson solaire & éco-habitat

- Ostéopathe animalier
Ostéopathe animalier reconnue par le conseil de l'ordre des vétérinaires 
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
enduits isolation
Aguera Javier
Aguera Javier
- Carreleur
- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Construction bois
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Formateur
- Isolation
- Jointeur
- Maçon
- Murs Pierres Sèches
- Peintre
- Plaquiste
- Plâtrier
- Staffeur
- Tailleur de pierres
- Autre
- Activité de pleine nature
- Culture
- Gastronomie
- Loisirs créatifs
- Sport
- Patrimoine
Plus de 35 ans d'expérience et de savoir faire dans le bâtiment, construction et rénovation vivante.
A l'écoute de la clientèle, conseils, polyvalence.
- Isolation
- Maçon
Maçonnerie, isolation, second œuvre, agencement intérieur, isolation, petite électricité, plomberie...
ALFARO Christophe et Renaud
ALFARO Christophe et Renaud

- Couvreur
- Enduiseur
- Maçon
Gros œuvre, maçonnerie, rénovation, couverture, brique monolithe, bloc béton, enduits
Allier Marion
Allier Marion
- Architecte
Une agence d’architecture expérimentée, qui répond à tout type de projets, aussi bien dans le neuf que dans la rénovation, des projets de construction mais également de l’aménagement, en commandes publiques ou privées. Notre atelier est attaché à produire une architecture simple et fonctionnelle, au plus proche des usagers et du site, et dénuée de formalisme. Face aux enjeux écologiques actuels, nous souhaitons assumer notre responsabilité dans l’acte de construire, en favorisant une approche sobre de la construction afin de limiter les effets néfastes sur l’environnement, en favorisant les matériaux écologiques et biosourcés.

- Enduiseur
- Maçon
- Murs Pierres Sèches
- Tailleur de pierres
Joaquim est tailleur de pierre avec une grande connaissance de ce matériaux, des enduits à la chaux, des colorations de badigeons ou patines.
Tailleur de pierre, il intervient dans de nombreux nombreux chantiers. Il est peu équipé en engins mécaniques et arrive par une intelligence pratique et des techniques anciennes à bouger la matière avec facilité.
Matériel dispo : monte charge, brouette à moteur, groupe électrogène, échafaudage (8 m de haut)
Réalisation de calades, de fontaines, sculptures...
Sa zone de travail est très locale...
ALRIQ Etienne
ALRIQ Etienne
- Architecte
Étienne est architecte et a travaillé de nombreuses années à Cantercel.
Très à l'écoute de ses clients, en attachant une grande importance à la façon de vivre et à l'environnement du projet pour s'y insérer au mieux avec un impact minimum sur les changements à apporter au terrain.
Étienne intègre les différents aspects du bio-climatisme.

- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Maçon
- Murs Pierres Sèches
Artisan Maçon depuis 2014.
Rénovation globale du bâti ancien, des fondations à la toiture.
Réalisation d'enduits, chaux, chanvre, terre, tadelakt, badigeons... en faisant ses propres mélanges de matières premières.
Ouverture de maçonnerie, fausses pierres réalisées à partir de plâtre gros, sable et chaux (3/2/1vol).
Création de voutes en pierres, de murs en pierres sèches... carrelage, terres cuites
Rénovation de toitures, isolations naturelles
Franck aime le bâti ancien et en prend soin.
Il a de nombreuses réalisations à son actif chez des particuliers ou sur sa maison qui permet de voir la globalité de son savoir faire.
Sa zone de travail est autour de Gange, Aigoual et Pic St Loup.

- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Maçon
- Peintre
- Plaquiste
- Plâtrier
Bruno est auto-entrepreneur, réalise tout type de travaux de rénovation.
Dalle isolante en verre expansé, enduits chaux/sable/billes d'argile, Ossature/Fermacell, peinture, enduits chaux et argile sable.
RGE en cours de validation
APACHE Architectes
APACHE Architectes
- Architecte
architecture bioclimatique, éco-construction et paysage.
- Isolation
- Plaquiste
- Métallier
- Géomètre
Géomètre - Etudes techniques
- Construction bois
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
Xavier a une grande expérience de la rénovation écologique. Il écoute les besoins, propose des solutions et travaille au maximum avec des matériaux bruts ou de ré-emplois.
Il maitrise les enduits terre, chaux et apprécie la paille et ses qualités isolantes et support d'enduit.
Il a construit de nombreux fours pour des boulangers.
Son statut est celui d'un T.O.B. Travailleur Occasionnel du Bâtiment.
Assemblée Générale Solaire Watt Lodévois - 2022
Assemblée Générale Solaire Watt Lodévois - 2022

ATON Claire
ATON Claire

- Décorateur
- Peintre
- Artiste-Peintre
Artiste - peintre, activités de création, de décoration (trompe-l'œil et peintures murales et monumentales, fresques...)
Toiles et expositions.
- Electricien
- électricité générale
- photovoltaïque
AZAM David
AZAM David
- Carreleur
Carreleur - 
Bad Dating Advice in YouTube Videos: Beware the Clickbait
Bad Dating Advice in YouTube Videos: Beware the Clickbait
1. "Play Hard to Get"
This classic piece of advice is straight out of the 80s, but it’s still rampant on dating channels. The idea is to act disinterested or distant to make someone chase you, believing that this will somehow make you more attractive. In reality, this advice often leads to confusion, frustration, and missed opportunities. If you like someone, just express it! Playing games rarely leads to healthy communication, and it usually just results in the other person walking away.
2. "Always Have a Perfectly Curated Profile"
You’ve seen it—videos showing how to create the perfect dating profile with the ideal mix of humor, mystery, and wit. They suggest every photo be staged, every answer polished, and every conversation carefully scripted. While it’s important to show your best self, over-curating your profile can make you seem fake or unattainable. The key to a good profile is authenticity, not a rehearsed version of who you think you should be.
3. "You Should Text a Lot Before Meeting Up"
Another bad piece of advice often touted in YouTube dating tutorials is the idea of endless texting before meeting up. According to these videos, the more you text, the better you get to know someone, building excitement for the first date. But texting too much can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunications, or building up expectations that can’t be met in person. Quality, not quantity, should be the focus of your conversations.
4. "Date Multiple People to Keep Your Options Open"
While casual dating isn’t inherently bad, the advice to juggle multiple people at once as a strategic maneuver often leads to a lack of sincerity. In today’s dating world, many people crave authenticity and genuine connections. The “keep your options open” mentality might work in the short term, but it can leave both parties feeling like they’re just one in a lineup. Honest communication about your intentions is always better than playing the field and hoping it works out.
5. "You Must Be the Total Package"
Lastly, there’s the pressure to be perfect—an ever-present undercurrent in online dating advice. YouTube dating coaches often suggest that you need to have the perfect body, career, and life to attract someone worth your time. This leads to unrealistic expectations and the idea that you must “fix” yourself before finding love. In reality, it’s about connection, not perfection. The right person will appreciate your flaws and imperfections.
Conclusion: Trust Yourself
In a world of dating gurus and YouTube experts, it’s important to remember that no one knows your dating life better than you. While advice can be helpful, it’s essential to trust your instincts. Relationships aren’t built on clickbait or perfect profiles—they’re about real connections, good communication, and genuine effort. So, the next time you watch a YouTube video promising the ultimate dating secret, take it with a grain of salt. Trust yourself, and you’ll be just fine.
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BARNOIN Aurelien
BARNOIN Aurelien

- Charpentier
- Couvreur
- Isolation
Charpentier - Couvreur - Construction Bois : Maison / Extention / Terrasse - Isolation naturelle - RGE
Nombreux engins disponibles : Camion PL, Fourgon Nacelle (12m), 2 Télescopiques 17 m et 21 m, 2 Monte Matériaux 18m et 15m, 2 camions benne, un petit camion Dyna pour rue très étroite, une remorque tri-benne...
Entreprise artisanale de 5 personnes pouvant intervenir rapidement pour des dépanages.
BAUX Robin
BAUX Robin
- Décorateur
- Peintre
Peinture murale, décoration, enduit chaux, terre et depuis 2022 orientation de son activité vers l'entretien des jardins, débroussaillage, murs en pierres sèches.
- Enduiseur
- Maçon
- conseils et pose d'installations photovoltaïques pour les particuliers et professionnels
- aide à l'auto-installation
- entreprise installée prés de Saint Affrique
BERTON Frédéric
BERTON Frédéric
- Jointeur
Artisan Jointeur
BETTILI Frédéric
BETTILI Frédéric
- Charpentier
- Couvreur
- Menuisier
Charpente - Couverture - Zinguerie - Escaliers - Menuiserie rustique
BIARD Alexandre
BIARD Alexandre
- Enduiseur
- Maçon
- Murs Pierres Sèches
Alexandre travaille avec Philippe Eymard (Portiragnes) depuis de nombreuses années.
Ils réalisent des enduits à la chaux, des stucs ou badigeons et font régulièrement des murs en pierres sèches, avec d'autres artisans parfois en fonction de la taille des chantiers : Association "Les muraillés Languedociens"
Il utilisent également les peintures minérales Keim (Soldalit ou Granital) pour des décorations de façades.
Nous travaillons depuis de nombreuses années avec Alexandre et Philippe.
Leur site internet est très bien fait et mis à jour régulièrement avec de nombreuses photos et explications.
On peut y voir notamment un chantier fait en 2020 en partenariat avec Sophie Canillac, situé à Lunas, de restauration d'une façade à la chaux avec une fresque d'une vielle publicité "DUBONNET"... très belle réalisation visible de la route.
BLOT Alexandre
BLOT Alexandre
- Plombier
BOIVIN Frédéric
BOIVIN Frédéric

- Architecte
Conception et réalisation de maisons individuelles bioclimatiques. Spécialisation en architecture bois.
Matériaux écologiques / isolants bio sourcés / mur terre, bois-paille / béton de chanvre.
Rénovation et réhabilitation d'habitat.
Mission complète / Je suis basé à Pompignan / 30170
- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
enduits chaux et terre, isolation, tadelakt, construction paille, béton ciré, terre cuite
- région de Figeac
BONNET Raphael
BONNET Raphael
- Autre
gros œuvre second œuvre
BORDAS Olivier
BORDAS Olivier

- Construction bois
- Isolation
Artisan, Olivier réalise des extensions bois, cabanes, chalets, abris de voitures, terrasses, bardages, parquets.
Pose d'isolation naturelle.
Sa zone d'activité est le plateau du Larzac à proximité de chez lui, ou un peu plus loin pour des amis.
- Maçon
maçonnerie second œuvre
- Maçon
Maçonnerie, gros œuvre, placo
BROCH Virginie
BROCH Virginie
- Architecte
- Maitre d'Oeuvre
Architecte D.P.L.G. Virginie travaille souvent pour des particuliers et en rénovation principalement.
Elle réalise les plans et effectue les dépôts de permis, ou va plus loin avec une mission complète de maîtrise d’œuvre en suivant les travaux, choisissant les artisans et veillant à bien respecter l’enveloppe financière globale.
Et très souvent le surplus financier pour la maîtrise d’œuvre est reconnu par les clients à la fin du chantier comme étant totalement justifié par la diminution de charge mentale et le respect des délais ou prix facturés.
- Enduiseur
- Autre
enduits chaux terre chanvre
- Isolation
- Plaquiste
Entreprise de 10 personnes. Eco-artisan - RGE en isolation des combles, murs et sous planchers.
Plaquiste, intervention dans des bâtiments industriels, maisons neuves ou en rénovation.
- Electricien
CAETANO Stéphane
CAETANO Stéphane
- Enduiseur
enduits chaux terre chanvre
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Peintre
Peintre en bâtiment et décorations en intérieur depuis maintenant 10 ans dans l'Hérault du neuf à la rénovation.
Enduits de chaux décoratifs, béton ciré, meubles cérusés et patinés.
- Architecte
- Décorateur
- Maitre d'Oeuvre
Je me consacre aujourd'hui à la maitrise d’œuvre. Après une formation d'architecte d'intérieur, j'ai travaillé 15 ans en agence comme collaboratrice d'architectes, avant de me mettre à mon compte.
Mon activité est la conception et tous travaux de dessin d'architecture (état des lieux, dossiers graphiques de demandes d'autorisations administratives, plans de chantier), jusqu'à la coordination et au suivi de chantier.
J'aime travailler avec des artisans que je connais et avec qui je suis en confiance, et plutôt sur des projets d'habitat de petite échelle, notamment en réhabilitation et dans des bâtiments anciens.
CARRER Antoine
CARRER Antoine
- Zoologie
Antoine Carrer est ornithologue.
- Electricien
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
Jo est artisan électricien et... très polyvalent. Pose d'isolation naturelle, Fibre de bois, Cotonwool, ... application d'enduits à la chaux
Rénovation de salle de bain, avec petits travaux de plomberie, carrelage...
Nous travaillons avec Jo depuis de nombreuses années... nous apprécions toujours sa bonne humeur.
CAUVAS Laurent
CAUVAS Laurent
- Autre

- Carreleur
- Charpentier
- Couvreur
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Jointeur
- Maçon
- Plaquiste
Entreprise de maçonnerie générale, gros œuvre et second œuvre de 6 personnes.
En cours de validation RGE
Chantiers de rénovation principalement sur le plateau du Larzac. Travail de la pierre, de charpente et couverture. Pose d'isolants naturels, de plaques de Fermacell, d'enduits chaux ou chaux-chanvre...
Eric est bien équipé en camions, échafaudage, télescopiques et divers engins de chantiers.
- Enduiseur
- Maçon
Artisan maçon, rénovation de la pierre, enduits.
- Carreleur
- Isolation
- Maçon
- Carreleur
- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Enduiseur
- Fumiste
- Isolation
- Maçon
Eric est artisan maçon, pose des poêles à bois (fumiste) et de l'isolation naturelle (Fibre de bois, Végétal, Cotonwool et de la ouate de cellulose) depuis très longtemps.
Il habite sur un site isolé et a une bonne connaissance de l'autonomie en énergies renouvelables (panneaux photovoltaïque et petite éolienne).
Eric est très pris dans son travail et donc prévoir au moins 6 mois de délai avant la réalisation des travaux.
Construction d'une maison en paille (Lodève - 2014)
Construction d'une maison en paille (Lodève - 2014)
Enduits à la chaux
- Enduits Chaux-Chanvre
- Paille

Olivier ARRAZAT(géomètre)
Frédéric Faure (Enduits chaux et enduits de terre - Accompagnement de chantier).
Construction d'une maison en paille (Saint-Affrique - 2019)
Construction d'une maison en paille (Saint-Affrique - 2019)
Fermacell et toiture végétalisée
Isolation ouate de cellulose
- Enduits Chaux-Chanvre
- Fermacell
- Ouate de cellulose
- Paille
- Poêle de masse / rocket
- Toiture végétalisée

Manolito PASCUAL
Christoph KNIFFKE
Bertrand STATZ
Tomtom et Germain - La scie à rouban (mobilier de cuisine à partir d'un chêne coupé 15 ans avant, sur place)
Dan et Léo de Feufollet (poêle rocket)

- Matériaux de réemploi
Acteur innovant de l'économie circulaire, de l'économie sociale et solidaire, la grande Conserve est une entreprise d'insertion, qui propose une série de services liés aux matériaux de réemploi à destination des entreprises, du secteur public et des particuliers.
Menuiserie: porte, fenêtre, huisserie, volets
Plomberie: tuyau PVC, sanitaire, lavabo
Électricité: spots,néon, câble, goulotte
Éléments de charpente: tuile, closoir, poutres
Panneaux bois et dérivés, ferronnerie, carrelage, revêtement de sol, quincaillerie, visserie ...
L'équipe est composée de 4 personnes : Christophe Chinas, Richard Gautheron, Aymeric Mahé et Sophie.
Sophie avait travaillé pendant un dizaine d'année au sein d'Ecolodeve et a développé cette nouvelle activité.
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Maçon
- Tailleur de pierres
Louis est artisan maçon. Il a fait le compagnonnage et a longtemps été référent pour les jeunes compagnons.
Il réalise tous les travaux de gros œuvre : construction en pierre, couverture, et second œuvre : enduits chaux ou chaux/chanvre...
Pose de blocs de chanvre (Isohemp), d'isolation naturelle (Fibre de bois Isonat, Verre expansé Misapor...)

- Gemmothérapie
- Herboristerie
Lionel a longtemps travaillé avec Ecolodeve dans la décoration, peinture et maintenant il a créé la structure "le Cueilleur" avec Freddy, Alain et Myriam.
Ils cueillent des bourgeons, les transforment et commercialisent une large gamme de produits certifié Bio et Nature et Progrés.
Leur site est bien fait... bonne visite
Dating Two People at Once: Fun or Fiasco?
Dating Two People at Once: Fun or Fiasco?
Loosening the Chains of the Nuclear Family
Kindness and Modern Dating
How to Navigate Uncertainty in Online Dating
A Dating Suggestion to the Deeply Frustrated
Rethinking Gender Norms in Modern Dating
Obsessing About Strangers
Two Dates in One
Texts Or Calls And Dating
Men Like a Challenge
Men Want to Feel Manly
Issues with the Language of Dating Angst
Dani: I’ve written before about the spate of articles and “news” shows examining black women and marriage. The Essence article is better than much of the other coverage in that you get the sense it was a black editor and a black writer or team of writers trying to do something useful for black women, rather than trying to slyly undermine or demean us. But this article repeats many of the same problems in that it assumes that black women are this monolith sitting around plotting how we’re going to get to the altar. Are there really people who are willing to date someone they’re fundamentally not attracted to so it can increase their “bargaining power” with black men? It just seems like a dehumanizing way to be talking about people’s emotions and desires. I stand by what I’ve written before: We need to take seriously the idea that black women are marrying at lower rates than other women because we’re asking real questions about how such a move would benefit us and when faced with lackluster answers, we’re opting out. We need to consider that black women are perfectly poised to craft new approaches to intimacy and care-giving and family-building. We’ve always done this. It’s time to get support for these actions – the same kinds of subsidies and benefits government offers married people. I’m not saying all unmarried black women have intellectualized their situations to this level, but I’m still looking forward to the day we see more people asking why marriage is seen as the key to social, economic and family stability, when instead we could be fighting for policies that do more to support unmarried people.
Kadian: The thesis of this article makes dating and relationships seem like a well-plotted poker game. I absolutely detest game-playing when it comes to relationships. It’s not a very adult way to approach such things. In an ideal world, Black women would date whomever we choose. I did. I do think the commitment to dating inside the “race” is a sticking point mostly for heterosexual African Americans.Interracial dating is far more common in other western countries like France and Britain, where I now live. I remember being shocked by the prevalence of this the first time I visited London 11 years ago. Britain is not without its racial issues, but the historical context is different from that of the US.
Also included was a supplement on fashion and dating. Considering that black women are considered to have standards that are too high, how did you feel reading that second article after “The Relationship Market?”
He's Got the Look
From left to right: The Baller, The Banker, the Boho, and the Blue Collar
- Couvreur
- Electricien
- Enduiseur
- Métallier
- Peintre
Multi activités - Chantiers dans les petites ruelles de Montpellier.
- Autre
gros œuvre second œuvre
- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Maçon
- Peintre
Sarah est spécialisée en décoration dans les enduits terre, chaux, chanvre, peinture, badigeon, stuc, béton ciré ou tadelakt.
Elle travaille en binôme avec Christophe Diaz et à tous les deux, ils peuvent rénover entièrement une salle de bain par exemple en étant force de propositions sur la décoration.
Ils posent également tous types d'isolants naturels.
Ils ont un atelier de fabrication de briques de terre (Adobes) qui peuvent servir de décoration murale (tableaux artistiques) ou amener de la masse dans une maison ayant besoin d'inertie (derrière un poêle par exemple). Des clients ont pu fabriquer avec eux ces briques (voir vidéo)
- Carreleur
- Isolation
- Peintre
- Plaquiste
Laurent est artisan. Il pose régulièrement des cuisines haut de gamme.
Il travaille souvent dans la rénovation : salle de bain, carrelage, pose de placo, d'isolation naturelle, peut effectuer divers petits travaux en multiservices.
Laurent a réalisé une isolation en liège en vrac insufflée derrière une parois de placo existante.
Cette solution a permis de ne cas pas tout cassé et s'est révélée rapide a réaliser et très économique au final.
Très consciencieux dans son travail.
DIAZ Christophe
DIAZ Christophe
- Carreleur
- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Peintre
Christophe est spécialisé en décoration dans les enduits terre, chaux, chanvre, peinture, badigeon, stuc, béton ciré ou tadelakt.
Il travaille en binôme avec Sarah Destom et à tous les deux, ils peuvent rénover entièrement une salle de bain par exemple en étant force de propositions sur la décoration.
Ils posent également tous types d'isolants naturels.
Ils ont un atelier de fabrication de briques de terre (Adobes) qui peuvent servir de décoration murale (tableaux artistiques) ou amener de la masse dans une maison ayant besoin d'inertie (derrière un poêle par exemple). Des clients ont pu fabriquer avec eux ces briques (voir vidéos)
DUONG-VAN Dominique
DUONG-VAN Dominique
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Peintre
Entreprise générale de peinture - Enduits déco - Béton déco
Ecolodeve - Laurent 11 juillet
- Ecolodève
Ecolodeve - Laurent 11 juillet
- Fourgon (> 3 m3)
- Produits plus volumineux (isolants...)
Ecolodeve Christoph 11 juillet
- Ecolodève
Ecolodeve Christoph 11 juillet
- Fourgon (> 3 m3)
- Petits produits (pots de peinture...)
Ecolodeve Laurent 15 juillet
- Ecolodève
Ecolodeve Laurent 15 juillet
- Fourgon (> 3 m3)
- Produits plus volumineux (isolants...)

- Construction bois
- Isolation
La Boite à Bois est spécialisée dans l'ossature bois, (extensions, surélévations...), l'isolation et l'agencement intérieur et extérieur (mobilier, pergolas, terrasses...)
Cédric travaille en partenariat avec des ferronniers pour la création de pièces sur mesure.
Actuellement ils sont 2 à travailler et bientôt 3

- Construction bois
- Isolation
- Menuisier
La Boite à Bois est spécialisé dans l'ossature bois, l'isolation, la pose de parquets, terrasses et pergola.
Cédric réalise des aménagements intérieurs et extérieurs en lien avec des ferronniers pour des meubles sur mesure.
2 personnes dans l'entreprise et bientôt 3.
- Electricien
Florent est électricien. Il travaille principalement en rénovation et parfois sur des constructions neuves.
Climatisation, chauffe-eau thermodynamique et Domotique.
Florent nous a été recommandé pour la qualité de son travail et une pratique de prix justes.
ESPOSITO Christian
ESPOSITO Christian

- Electricien
- Plombier
Multi services et dépannage
Estivale de la Bio
Estivale de la Bio


- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Peintre
- Sculpteur
Rénovation du bâti ancien.
Réalisation d'enduits chaux, terre, chanvre pour une amélioration thermique des murs.
Peintures intérieures, badigeons, stucs, eaux fortes...
Fabication de chaux en pâte à partir de chaux vive pour une plus grande dureté.
Sculpture et moulage pour des œuvres monumentales de parcs d'attraction.
Marc connait bien les matières premières et réalise ses propres mélanges en fonction des effets désirés.
Follow your bliss, right into a movie theater
Follow your bliss, right into a movie theater
Top Free and Paid Online Dating Websites
Seizing New Dating Opportunities
The Perfect Movie Date at Home
Single Men Don’t Have Body Image Issues
What Makes a Good Man or a Good Woman?
Equating ‘Sexuality’ with Male Sexuality
Why in the World Would I Ever Get Married?
How Jealousy Can Work For Us
The Catalano Generation is Revolutionizing Dating
Mexico City's Short-Term Marriage Proposal
Even in Relationship You’re All Alone
I Lack the Commitment Gene
Stop Crying and Be a Man
I remember my Art History teacher as a force of nature; the kind of woman who could easily lead a cult, or get you to donate half your paycheck to charity. She was just bursting with life. She’d bound into class, full of excitement and energy and before you know it you’re swept up in an image, or a story and her seemingly boundless love of art. Not surprisingly, I fell hard for the subject, but being all math and science at the time I was a tad bit conflicted about what I could do with a superficial knowledge of the Nike of Samothrace, or the fact that I could pick ‘The Death of Socrates’ out of a lineup. When I asked for advice on how to pursue my new love and still leave college with a “useful” degree (Useful like…an English degree!? I’m such a sucker!) she introduced me to Joseph Campbell and told me to “follow my bliss”.
PSFK brings me right back to that moment as they discuss “Finding Joe“, a new movie directed by Patrick Takaya Solomon delving into Campbell’s ‘Hero’s Journey.’ Author Amelia Riley Swan also has an extended interview with Salomon here. The trailer explains, with the help of Rashida Jones, Deepak Chopra and Tony Hawk (to name a few) that with the ‘Hero’s Journey’ Campbell “…diagrammed all of our stories…” and found “…this one story within all stories that we can relate to no matter where [we] come from.” It’s the path of ”…going from an unsatisfying life to a satisfying life by pushing through the scariest things you can imagine.”
I used to think my job/career/life story would be completely determined in those crazy, stressful moments in school, but here’s to learning that life is decided over and over and over again, and in the words of Mr. Campbell if you “follow your bliss…the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”
Formation « Sensibilisation au bâtir en terre »
Formation « Sensibilisation au bâtir en terre »
Formation « Sensibilisation au bâtir en terre » le 30 + 31 mars 2023
Formation « Sensibilisation aux enduits à l’argile » le 13+14 avril 2023 (informations et inscriptions à venir)
Pour qui : Architectes, économistes et maçons de la région (Gard, Hérault, …) se retrouvent pendant deux journées pour s’initier à la mise en œuvre de la terre crue sous toutes ses formes. Afin que les projets puissent se réaliser, nous aurons besoin d’artisans/entreprises formés à la mise en œuvre de la terre. N’hésitez pas à en parler à vos artisans/entreprises afin qu’ils viennent se former avec nous.
La formation « Sensibilisation au bâtir en terre » le 30 et 31 mars 2023 aura lieu à Montpeyroux (34) et est limitée à 10 personnes (plateau technique à Montpeyroux).
Tarifs :
- 600 € HT pour les 2 jours de formation
- Tarif réduit pour les membres d’E dans l’AU (à jour de leur cotisation) : 560 € HT pour les 2 jours
- Nouveau : par formation : 1 place pour 1 étudiante, (à jour cotisation Edansl’AU et carte étudiant à jour) : 100 € HT pour les 2 jours.
Prise en charge par le FIF PL = 2 250 € soit 500 € (limité à 3 jours par an) et cette formation donne également droit au crédit d’impôts formation « Dirigeant » : 14 h 10.48 soit 146.72 €.

Formation ITE fibre de bois (Steico/PRB)
Formation ITE fibre de bois (Steico/PRB)
Au programme : ITE en fibre de bois de chez Steico sur mur maçonné (ou ossature bois) et finition enduit : un procédé d'Isolation Thermique par l'Extérieur offrant une solution sous avis technique !
Nous tenions à remercier les formateurs de chez PRB et Steico, ainsi que les professionnels et les artisans présents pour cette belle journée riche d'enseignements, de conseils d'experts et d'échanges.
Et c'est avec enthousiasme que nous vous annonçons notre nouvelle collaboration avec PRB, élargissant ainsi notre gamme de mortiers. Grâce à leur dépôt à Béziers, bénéficiez d'un approvisionnement rapide pour tous vos projets.
Pour en savoir plus sur ces nouveautés, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter :)

- Partenaire ressource
- Partenaire ressource
Friends With Benefits: The Hurt That Follows
Friends With Benefits: The Hurt That Follows
The Difference Between Girls and Women
On Dating: Experienced or Just Plain Damaged?
A Chosen Season: On Being Single in My Late 20s
The Painful Friends With Benefits Cycle
10 Reasons Why You Might Still Be Single
The Things Women Say That Piss Off Men
Challenges Of A Male Relationship Blogger
Why Relationships Commitment Scares Me
The Dumbest Arguments Couples Have
Don’t Tell Me Where To Be Romantic!
Tickle Me Cheater
The Fifth Horseman PERMALINK
October 21, 2009 3:23 pm
Nothing is more pathetic than a man conducting drive-bys on other men who had no prior beef with him, for the purposes of white-knighting much younger women. That a married man needs to do this is double pathetic. The men who have demonstrated proper Game knowledge include Epoxy, Obsidian, Doug1, Tupac, Dave in Hawaii, and Ferdinand. You simply are not in this group.
You seem to have prepared for days for your attack, yet I have you on the defensive after just two comments. You are ‘pwned’ as they say.
Again, I am not sufficiently irritated to use the nuclear option on you – a story that, given your prejudices, will make you (and only you) depressed for weeks. But you are foolish to provoke someone who has this level of power over you.
Now go back to your one and only skill – being a co-dependent bigot with your kindred antagonist, Lucifer.
The Fifth Horseman PERMALINK
October 21, 2009 3:30 pm
Then you just haven’t been reading my comments.
I have pioneered the outline of what Moderate Game is, and I know Matador, J-Dog, and Lance Mason personally, from our early days in SF from 2002-03. But this may not be meaningful to you.
By your ‘logic’, Roissy and Ferdinand don’t discuss specific women either, therefore they must not have experience. So that metric doesn’t hold water.
Try again, kid.
GALONNIER Jean Pierre (Laurent)
GALONNIER Jean Pierre (Laurent)
GENTIL Etienne
GENTIL Etienne
- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
Étienne a été précurseur dans la construction écologique sur le territoire, enduits chaux/chanvre, isolants naturels...
Aujourd'hui sa démarche est d'utiliser au maximum les produits disponibles localement, les moins industriels possibles, la paille, la terre... avec un approvisionnement des chantiers en vélo remorque ou petit camion électrique
- Enduiseur
- Enduiseur
Damien a une entreprise artisanale de 5 personnes (EIRL)
RGE, il réalise de nombreuses ITE (Isolation Thermique par l'Extérieur) avec application d'enduits sur panneaux de liège expansés ou Fibre de Bois.
Travail de qualité.
- Isolation
- Plaquiste
Nicolas est plaquiste et intervient principalement dans le tertiaire. Agencement de bureaux.
Il coordonne une équipe d'artisans en fonction de la taille des chantiers qui peuvent être importants en surfaces.
Sa zone de travail est à 80 % prés de Montpellier. Possibilité de chantiers jusqu'à Nîmes ou Béziers.
Pose d'isolants naturels quand on lui demande, Fibre de bois, paille de riz..
- Charpentier
- Construction bois
- Menuisier
Thomas (TomTom) travaille le bois comme menuisier, agenceur, fabrication de meubles de cuisine, et depuis 2021 réalise des maisons en paille avec son collègue Germain en ayant eu un accompagnement avec Guilhem Libourel.
GULA Alexis
GULA Alexis
- Electricien
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Maçon
Maçonnerie Générale
Nous nous sommes rencontré lors d'une formation sur des enduits à base de chaux vive début 2023.
Vincent souhaite s'orienter de plus en plus dans la rénovation faite à partir de matériaux sains.
gros œuvre et second œuvre
HELIES Laurent
HELIES Laurent
- Maçon
- Murs Pierres Sèches
- Tailleur de pierres
Laurent est spécialisé dans les pierres sèches.
Il fait partie de l'association ABPS (Artisan Bâtisseur en Pierres sèches) ce qui lui permet de réaliser des chantiers de grande ampleur.
Hennani Mohamed
Hennani Mohamed
- Autre
HOUDOIN Stéphane
HOUDOIN Stéphane
second ouvre
How Society’s Rules Shape Our Dating Lives
How Society’s Rules Shape Our Dating Lives
Patriarchy Stole My Power and Now I'm Gonna Take it Back!
Digging Up Negative Dating Patterns
The Mama's Boy Myth
The Majority of "Dating Crimes" Are In Our Heads
The Dating Chase
The Physics of Relationships
Dating While "Fat"
Men Are Hardwired to Cheat And Other Silly Stories
The Conservative Backlash Towards Attempts to Liberate Relationships
Seeking to Change Your Partner
Sluts Studs And Straightjaket Sexuality
Also, I’d add the following:
– when someone first comes out as bi to you, please, PLEASE don’t suggest in any way that someone needs to have had any particular kind of sexual experience with members of X Y or Z group before they are ‘allowed’ to be sure of their orientation. The second person I came out to told me to my face that I ought to ask a guy friend of mine to have sex with me before I decided I was really bi – as if this would somehow cure me of my feelings for girls. (The person doesn’t know my gender ID, and I present as female.) She also told me it was ‘normal’ for girls to have crushes on other girls while still being straight and so it didn’t really mean anything. Please don’t do that.
– Don’t make someone’s coming out to you all about your feelings about it. Someone is trusting you with something very important about themselves, something they can be easily hurt with due to our bigoted society, and it’s not about you. If you’re surprised or confused or hurt that they waited to tell you or anything like that, don’t let that dominate the discussion. Deal with your feels elsewhere, and treat the other person with respect. The last thing that should happen is the bi person trying to comfort you over how confused/hurt/etc you are when zie is the one to have just taken a giant emotional risk in coming out to you.* Yes, even if you yourself are gay or lesbian, it’s still a risk to them.
– Don’t engage in ‘queer/not queer enough’ thinking or joking. Don’t shame someone for how they handle when, where, how or to whom they come out.
*And not always just emotional, too.
May 15, 2013 at 8:37 pm | Permalink
– when someone first comes out as bi to you, please, PLEASE don’t suggest in any way that someone needs to have had any particular kind of sexual experience with members of X Y or Z group before they are ‘allowed’ to be sure of their orientation.
YES. I came out as bisexual to my college boyfriend in 2007. He was the first person I told. I had had plenty of crushes on girls over the years, but had pushed them all down and dated only guys. Finally acknowledging my orientation was HUGE, but I was in a monogamous relationship and I wasn’t going to act on these feelings.
His first reaction: “No you aren’t, you haven’t been with any girls!”
A later reaction, interspersed with the first: “Well, let’s call [your [always straight or lesbian, never bi] friend] over for a threesome!”
Ianis N'DEBI
Ianis N'DEBI
- Charpentier
- Construction bois
Ianis travaille aussi bien en Ardèche que dans la région proche de Pouzols(34)
Construction bois, charpente, couverture et ITE.
Ianis nous a été conseillé. Très belle réalisation à Pouzols d'une petite construction de 19 m² qui sert de cabinet pour une Psychologue pour enfants et qui est utilisé ponctuellement avec Airbnb.
- Autre
Is this a date?
Is this a date?
More Than Meets The Eyes
Should I Tell Her How I Feel?
The Play Date
Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride
The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be
When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma
Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others
Should You Settle?
Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?
Cheating is a Cop Out
The Dance of Second Chances
I was out with a new friend one day and we started talking about dating. It was an odd topic to talk about with someone I barely knew, but that’s the way the conversation flowed and that’s the way we went. She laughed as she told me about the time that she didn’t even realize she was on a date.
“I hadn’t seen him in a while,” she began, “and when we bumped into each other, he suggested we get together to catch up.”
I nodded and took a sip of my tea.
“I thought it would be great to catch up because I hadn’t seen him in a while. And we had been really good friends in school, I just kept thinking how cool it would be to find out what he’d been doing all these years. He picked out a restaurant and I showed up on time for once. We had a great time, sharing stories and letting each other know what had been going on for the past few years. It felt so great to catch up and reminisce about the old days.”
“Of course,” I said, “I love catching up with old friends.”
“I know right? It was a lot of fun…and then I took a look at the situation. He was dressed nicely. I was dressed nicely. We were out at a dimly-lit restaurant. The food was great and the conversation was better…that’s when it hit me. I thought to myself, ‘wait a minute! Is this a date?’ So I looked at him and for the first time noticed the way he was looking back at me. And yup, we were on a date and I hadn’t even realized it.”
We both burst out into laughter. Relationships can be like that sometimes, just when you think you’re safe, one emerges out of nowhere. I had to admit that I’d never experienced such a thing before, although I could distinctly remember a time when a girl I had asked out didn’t realize it was a date. Perhaps it’s more of a girl experience than a guy experience.
“So what happened?” I asked.
“Well, I just couldn’t get past thinking of him as a friend, so it just didn’t work out,” she concluded.
We laughed some more about the silliness of the whole situation before recognizing that it was getting late. We walked back to the parking lot from which we had first set out a few hours ago. We had agreed to meet up for an hour or two and that had turned into six. She gave me a hug and then nuzzled her chin into my chest, holding onto me for a bit longer than I had anticipated. Then she pulled back, looked me in the eye for a moment, and said goodnight. It was then that it hit me.
This had been a date.
Isolation Mairie et Ecole de Cabrières (2022)
Isolation Mairie et Ecole de Cabrières (2022)
- Isolation
Frédéric LAMAUVE- Isolation
je restaure ma maison, qui est faite pour les murs extérieurs en briques alvéolés avec 12 alvéoles pour une largeur de 27cm, ces murs sont en extérieur crépis avec un mortier ciment d'environ 15 à 20mm puis un enduit de facade de 15mm et en intérieur un enduit ciment de 15 à 20mm peint. la construction date de 1987, je crois que les anciens appellaient ces briques des G27. Je voulais isoler mes murs intérieurs car je fais une rénovation mais beaucoup de personnes me mettent en garde car l'enduit ciment intérieur risque de créer une condensation. Quel isolant je pourrai mettre en intérieur pour à la fois compléter l'isolation et éviter les problèmes de condensation ? Merci par avance
je restaure ma maison, qui est faite pour les murs extérieurs en briques alvéolés avec 12 alvéoles pour une largeur de 27cm, ces murs sont en extérieur crépis avec un mortier ciment d'environ 15 à 20mm puis un enduit de facade de 15mm et en intérieur un enduit ciment de 15 à 20mm peint. la construction date de 1987, je crois que les anciens appellaient ces briques des G27. Je voulais isoler mes murs intérieurs car je fais une rénovation mais beaucoup de personnes me mettent en garde car l'enduit ciment intérieur risque de créer une condensation. Quel isolant je pourrai mettre en intérieur pour à la fois compléter l'isolation et éviter les problèmes de condensation ? Merci par avance
En effet l'enduit ciment empêche la migration de l'humidité vers l'exterieur.
La pose d'un matériaux isolant ne sera pas viable à long terme, de la moisissure peut se former au niveau du point froid (enduit ciment intérieur), et déteriorer le matériau.
Il y a une solution, l'application d'un enduit à caractère isolant, d'environ 5-7cm d'épaisseur, de type chaux-chanvre, avec éventuellement de l'argile, comme régulateur hygrometrique.
L'autre solution, pour pouvoir isoler en conséquence (tout dépend de l'utilisation de la pièce à isoler), est de retirer l'enduit ciment des deux faces du mur, et le remplacer par un enduit perméable.
Dans ce cas vous pourrez utiliser l'isolant de votre choix.
Bien à vous.
Je viens de construire un bungalow en agglomérés ou parpaings ou vairons et je voudrais faire l’enduit pour protéger la façade de l’humidité, je ne sais quel produit utiliser. Auriez vous une réponse? Je suis partie sur un enduit mono couché de marque PRB, est ce que cela va créer de la condensâtes empêchant les murs de respirer ? Je vis près des étangs dans un endroit très humide. Merci par avance pour vos reponse
Je viens de construire un bungalow en agglomérés ou parpaings ou vairons et je voudrais faire l’enduit pour protéger la façade de l’humidité, je ne sais quel produit utiliser. Auriez vous une réponse? Je suis partie sur un enduit mono couché de marque PRB, est ce que cela va créer de la condensâtes empêchant les murs de respirer ? Je vis près des étangs dans un endroit très humide. Merci par avance pour vos reponse
JFeinler Elizabeth
JFeinler Elizabeth

JNCP Simon
JNCP Simon
JORCIN Antoine
JORCIN Antoine
- Autre
- Construction bois
- Menuisier
- Autre
Sylvain est menuisier, constructeur bois.
Il a une grande expérience de la construction de maisons en paille qu'il réalise avec des collègues artisans, dont Guilhem Libourel.
Il réalise également des plans d'exécution pour faciliter le travail sur chantier.
LAMAUVE Frédéric
LAMAUVE Frédéric

- Isolation
- Jointeur
- Plaquiste
Artisan plaquiste, spécialisé dans la pose de Fermacell, isolation naturelle, Fibre de bois, Ouate de cellulose, ou textile recyclé pour les qualités phoniques.
- Charpentier
- Construction bois
- Etanchéité
- Isolation
- Maitre d'Oeuvre
Guilhem est la référence sur St Affrique des constructions de maisons en Paille.
Il travaille en étroite collaboration avec Philippe Rames (architecte et maître d’œuvre spécialisé en construction paille) et avec d'autres amis artisans du bassin Saint Affricain. Cette étroite collaboration de plusieurs corps de métier, leur permet d'agir sur la globalité d'un chantier avec efficacité et bonne humeur.
Christoph d'Ecolodeve, intervient régulièrement pour les parties enduits des chantiers (terre, chaux, béton ciré, stuc, escaliers en voûte sarrasine)
LOIRE Xavier
LOIRE Xavier
- Enduiseur
- Formateur
- Tailleur de pierres
Xavier est tailleur de pierres, il a construit sa maison en paille il y a bientôt 20 ans, avec une isolation plafond en panneaux de liège.
Il donne des formations à la sculpture sur pierre ou à la construction de four en terre, avec un principe de coffrage perdu en dôme et avec des petits bois enchevêtrés qui en brulant tout doucement chauffent la voute ce qui permet d'utiliser le four immédiatement.
Xavier aime beaucoup le travail de la terre et réalise des enduits à l'argile.
LOIRE Xavier
LOIRE Xavier
- Enduiseur
- Tailleur de pierres
Maison paille, enduits, chaux, terre, bambous dans fondations, taille de pierres,
Formateur à la construction de four en terre et de sculptures en pierre.
Love Bombing: When Romance Is Too Good to Be True
Love Bombing: When Romance Is Too Good to Be True
Why do so many women harbor such an unrealistic lack of willingness to concede ordinary human nature? Especially after having witnessed the damage that such a lack of honesty in women results in so much damage to children. And yet you wonder why you and your friends cannot get married. In this age, more and more guys realize that conventional monogamous marriage places them at a huge disadvantage. And you better believe they have a radar for the walking wounded who are unable to heal themselves by being honest with themselves and with human nature.
You (in response to John’s confirmation that he had two sons, not a daughter as you had originally assumed): “(yes, this guys becomes more douchey by the second)”
You: ” That doesn’t make a difference.”
Obviously it does make a very big difference to you, because you just wrote that the guy is more douchey for having the decency to answer your question honestly. The question for you should be why do you contradict yourself in public so flagrantly.
You: “(Yes, we’re the weird ones!)”
Yes. From the standpoint of human nature, you and your girlfriends are the wierd ones– not John or the other married guys. You and your girlfriends implicitly seem to regard conventional monogamous marriage as a social and economic crutch for your own insecurities. It does not matter what you think of John, or other guys like John– considering that in the longer term, the entire notion of monogamous marriage as you know it may be confined to the dustbin of history.
Also just because you and your (two!) Victorian-age girlfriends frown on the married guys on tinder does not mean that every woman does. In fact, at least so I have been told, there are plenty of married women on tinder too!
Get up to date with current science on human nature. For example, read “The Dawn of Sex.” In the context of human nature and the desire to express affection without (dry, quasi-legal contractual bullshit) limits, who are the real “cheaters”?
Lovelace Ada
Lovelace Ada

J'ai réalisé le premier véritable programme informatique, lors de mon travail sur un ancêtre de l'ordinateur : la machine analytique de Charles Babbage.
MARCET Christophe
MARCET Christophe
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Peintre
- Plâtrier
- Staffeur
Plâtrier, staffeur, peintre, enduits terre, isolation Fermacell
MARTIN Jean François
MARTIN Jean François
- Chauffagiste
- Electricien
- Installateur thermique
- Plombier
- Zingueur
- Energies renouvelables
Entreprise artisane de 4 personnes :
Électricité, plomberie, chauffage, zinguerie, Energies Renouvelables, fumiste
L'entreprise est RGE avec les différents labels : QualiBois, QualiPV, QualiPac
Pose de panneaux photovoltaïques, de chaudières ou poêle à granulés de la marque Fröling.
Nous ne connaissons pas personnellement cette entreprise, elle nous a été conseillée par un client.

- Architecte
Architecte spécialisé dans l'éco-construction.
Stéphane suivi en 2005 une formation sur l’architecture méditerranéenne et environnementale.
Bonne connaissance des produits naturels : isolation laine de bois, peintures...
Il travaille régulièrement avec kamel Allouche "Fleur de chaux"(Maçon à vélo dans le centre de Mtp)

- Isolation
- Jointeur
- Plaquiste
Plaquiste - Placo ou Fermacell (petites plaques) surtout en rénovation et aimant les chantiers un peu complexes.
Jointeur équipé d'échasses et d'un banjo pour plus de rapidité.
Pose d'isolants naturels.
MICHEL Thibault
MICHEL Thibault
- Staffeur
Thibault est artisan Staffeur. Il est spécialisé dans la conception et la pose d'escaliers en voute sarrasine.
Il effectue également des travaux de gypserie, en réalisant des moulures en plâtre sur site.
Nombreuses réalisations sur le site internet ci-dessous
Son travail est de grande qualité et il peut se déplacer dans toute la France.
- Isolation
- Plaquiste
Didier commercialise et des menuiseries (fenêtres, portes et volets) bois, alu et PVC et uniquement avec des fournisseurs français.
Réalise ponctuellement de l'agencement et de la pose d'isolation naturelle.
RGE en cours.
- Construction bois
- Isolation
- Menuisier
- Plaquiste
Didier est artisan avec une palette assez large de compétences.
90 % de son activité correspond à la pose de menuiseries, portes, volets.
Il réalise également des travaux d'isolation naturelle.
Didier est depuis longtemps dans une démarche de mise en avant de solutions écologiques pour l'habitat.
Il a participé à la création de petites maisons rondes en ossatures bois / ouate de cellulose 'Casssine"
- Electricien
Electricien travaillant autant pour des particuliers que dans le tertiaire.
MONTI Oliver
MONTI Oliver
- Chauffagiste
MOTTE Tanguy
MOTTE Tanguy

- Décorateur
- Isolation
- Maçon
Ingénieur en Bâtiment de formation, Tanguy aime travailler la matière et intervient en rénovation dans le second œuvre, enduits chaux, chaux-chanvre, isolation... il travaille en fonction des chantiers avec des collègues artisans et peut répondre ainsi à la globalité d'un chantier en associant les compétences de chacun : charpentier, couvreur, maçon, architecte...
My Last Night In Town…
My Last Night In Town…
Be Yourself: The Truth About Authentic Dating
Why So Many Relationships End at 90 Days
There really are NO BAD DATES!
How The Law of Attraction Can Help You Find Love
A Dude Diner’s Doctrine
Soundtrax To Your Life: Pre-Date Tunes
Ms. Awesome’s Advice for Men
Bad Relationships Aren’t Investments
How To Get A One Nite Stand Out Of Your Apartment
I got spring break plans, but before I get to that, here’s a story about what went down the night before I flew out…
Ghetto Club, 10:34 AM: [Willlllyyy Wonnnkkkkaaa]
Willy Wonka, 10:48 am: Wasup
Ghetto Club, 10:53 am: When are we hanging out again to celebrate my hw grade being higher than all my friends lol
Willy Wonka, 11:05 am: Lol… Congrats. Let’s go out for drinks tonight when I get outta class
Ghetto Club, 11:08 am: Lol oooo well I would but I have more hw and a presentation tomorrow morning… Can we do this shindig another day… Perhaps during a happy hour? :D
Willy Wonka, 11:13 am: I’m not free during HH times today or tomorrow… and then I leave for [Tomorrow's post]
Ghetto Club, 11:16 am: WTF?! Whyyyyy :( . When doo you get back?!?
Willy Wonka, 1:21 pm: Lol… I told u I was gonna go to [wait for it] for spring break… I’m gone for a week but then Ima hit [another place]… ain’t be [home] until the 21st or so
Ghetto Club, 1:24 pm: :(. lol just said you were gonna be gone not on another continent lol! Pooey, what times are you free tomorrow?
Willy Wonka, 2:20 pm: Same time.. after 9
Ghetto Club, 2:24 pm: Aww I wanna see you before you leave me! Ill try and do 9 tomorrow lol maybeeee
Willy Wonka, 2:31 pm: Chill with that “maybe” business and just bring ya ass out…
Ghetto Club, 2:33 pm: Lol ooo mr.bossy! And where would you wanna go sir [willy wonka]
Willy Wonka, 2:41 pm: [bar] – on [street] and [street]
Ghetto Club, 2:41 pm: Wth? Lol where the eff word is that?
Ghetto Club, 2:44 pm: Lol nvm I found it:). Ill see what’s up mr. [Willy Wonka]
She texted me the next afternoon to confirm that I could still make it…. and then, nightfall came and she showed up to the bar and called me while I was still on the way…
“I’m here!”
“Alright, I’ll be there in like 10 minutes….”
“Okay, I’ll wait in my car. Call me when you get here…”
I get there and circle the block to find parking, but there was parking right in front of the bar, so I circle back around. She calls, “I saw you drive past, there’s a spot right here.”
“I’m already parked. I’m already at the bar.”
“Well, screw you! I was saving you a parking spot, but I guess you’re too good for my spot!”
“Girl, bring your ass to the bar.”
“Ok. I’m coming.”
She walks up, looking nice. Tight jeans on, a nice shirt that only goes over one shoulder… but no heels on. Wtf?
“Look at you, trying to look nice…”
“Umm…. I’ve been dressed nice all day, so don’t feel special like this is for you or something.”
“haha.. whatever…”
We walk into the bar, order drinks, and then I take her a table closeby..
“I’m just following you,” she says..
“I know…”
We talk for a little bit, catch up, she says she can’t stay out long because she has a test at 9am and she still needs to go home and study some.
We start people watching…
Some chick walks by with a big ass purse. ”Damn, that’s a big ass purse!” I say to Ghetto Club. She busts out laughing.
She starts pointing out fat people… “oh my gosh. Look at that guy. Why is he so big??”
We chill at the table for a little bit, then I order us a couple of beers and chat with the bartender. She lives in the same neighborhood I do and also works at a bar close to my house. Ghetto Club was talking shit earlier saying she never knew anybody from my side of town. So, when I come back with the beers I say… “The bartender is from my neighborhood, so there you go, now you know two people from my side of town.”
“But, I don’t know her… so, nope, just you.”
Then I notice across the bar there’s a room that’s kind of sectioned off, with three couches in it. That nobody is in. I point it out to Ghetto Club. ”C’mon let’s go sit over there..”
“Do you think we can? It might be VIP or something…”
“Girl, I am VIP! The bartender is my neighbor!” So, I walk over towards the couches.
Ghetto Club follows.
Before you know it, we are sitting on the couches, talking, then making out… then talking some more.
She points out another fat guy.
“What’s with you and fat guys? That must be your type, huh…”
“Nooooo….” She shakes her head…. “but I did date a fat guy for like 5 years, from when I was 14 to when I was 19…”
“Oh, yeah, and then what happened…”
“Then, I went wild…”
“Oh, really? Wild, how? What would you do?”
“You don’t wanna know….”
“Hmm… Okay, wild girl.”
“I’m not wild anymore! I’m good now!
“Since when?”
“Since…. 2011…”
“Ha… whatever…”
At some point, we’re talking about her nickname for me which is “Sir [My name]“, I say I should go to England and tell them that’s my name and maybe I’ll pass for a knight. She says she doesn’t think that will work, because they know I’m not a knight and I don’t talk like I’m British. We joke around and try to fake English accents for a second, but we both suck at it….
At some point she mentions she has a tattoo on her side… I reach for her shirt, “let me see..”
“No you can’t see. Were in public and plus, nobody has seen it yet.”
I wasn’t sure if I heard that right, so I ask the following question, “how long have you had it?”
“I just got it on my birthday. But nobody can see it yet, I need to workout first and get my stomach bikini ready… I’m fat right now.” She says and grabs her lower stomach. I reach for her stomach…”no don’t touch my stomach!” She says…
I touch her stomach anyways.
“You need to take care of that,” I say, “you better start working out.”
“I know!” She says and pouts her lips…
She touches mine too. “You’re fat too” she says.
“Chill out, I’m in shape..” I say.
“Show me…”
I lift my shirt up and show her my abs…
“Yeah… how bout this? Whoever gets as 6pack first, the other one of US has to buy them ice cream…” she proposes.
“Girl, you gone have to buy me ice cream then, I’m already there…”
I move her hand along my abs and count the definition out, “see, I got…1,2,3,4… okay… I got 4, I just don’t have the bottom two…”
“You gotta have all 6 or it doesn’t count” she says…
I flip to a picture in my phone from right after I finished p90x.. when my abs were my abs were more defined.. “I don’t care what you had in the past, I just saw it in real life….”
We chill talk some more. I day something about what’s on the tv.
“I can’t see the tv” she says…
“You don’t need the tv” I reply, “you got me. You got plenty to look at.”
“Oh, so I’m NOT plenty to look at?”
I just look at her…”that was the implication, wasn’t it?”
“You’re mean!” She says and pouts her lip out…
We talk some more, make out some more…
I pull her on top of me. On the couch. In the middle of the bar…
“Oh my gosh!” She says…
“Girl, get off me! We are in a public place! Calm down over there!” I say and push her off me… just a bullshit reframe here, since it was actually me that did it…
“Wha..? What?” She says, playing innocent…
“Cmon, let’s get out if here…” I say.
“Where are going?”
“My place”
“I’m not driving all the way over there and then all the way home, I still have to study for my test tomorrow!”
“Ride with me. I’ll bring you back to your car…”
“You would do that?”
“Okay. As long as I’m home before 2am”
“Alright” it was like 11:15 now…
We leave. Get to my place.
Chillin on the couch, talking, making out…
Then, I move to kissing, licking.
“No! No [Willy Wonka!] I don’t even know you!”
“You’re right, we should slow it down.” I say and pull back…
She look confused, “that’s not what you’re supposed to say!”
We go back to talking, chilling… after a few minutes I start kissing her again, then I move to the neck… she doesn’t stop me this time. I lick, bite all over her neck and collar bone… then I reach up her shirt, grab her sides. She’s moaning, breathing heavily, kissing me. I unbutton her bra….”No, no! Don’t unhook my bra!”
Too late.
I keep licking and kissing…
“What are you doing?” She asks…
I hate these shit tests… I pause then say, “checking you for fleas…” (got that one from Vincent Ignatius)
“I have fleas” she says.
She rubs on my head, I put my neck and ear up close to her mouth. She puts her mouth on me, but doesn’t really lick or kiss… just talk with her lips against me… still feels kinda good tho, but you know I want more…”I’m not licking your neck” she says and smiles…
I grab her and lay her down, spread her legs and get on top of her… making our some more. Neck, collar bone, some more.. then I lift her shirt up and start licking her stomach. I stop and look at her tattoo… she laughs.
“Why does it say 21 on it?”
“Cuz I got it on my 21st birthday!”
“So why didnt you just date it?”
“Cuz I got it on my 21st birthday!”
I got back to licking her stomach… then move up to her chest and try to lift her shirt up some more. I have to pick her up to get the shirt up…
She let’s me pick her up, but says, “No! Don’t lift my shirt up!”
I do it anyway. I lift up het shirt and her bra… she moves quick and wraps her arms around me, pressing her breasts againsts me so I cant see them. At this point, I start thinking I probably need to turn the lights off….
“Put my clothes back on! I don’t know you!”
“Alright, alright…”
I let her pull her shirt and bra back down and never get a good look at het breasts…
Then, I hook her bra back… and say some bullshit…”we should slow it down. We barely know each other, were moving too fast…” I say, realizing my words are totally incongruent with my actions…
“That’s you!” She says…
I stand up. She does too… and gets real close to me…
I kiss her and grab her ass…
She whiney pouts, “I’m a black girl with no ass..”
“You got a little ass back there” I say and peek over her shoulder…
She grabs my ass…”your ass is bigger than mine! Oh my gosh! I quit!”
I just laugh… and move her toward the couch…
“I’m not sitting down” she says…
But sure standing right above the couch…”to Hell you ain’t” I say and push her down and make her sit.
Playful putty face again.
I bend down and kiss her again. She grabs my head and makes out with me… then I move to her neck…”no, you suck too hard! Just cuz I’m black doesn’t mean I don’t get hickies!”
I lightly brush her collar bone and neck with my lips… then I grab her ankles and put them on my shoulder…
“Get your weiner out of my face!” She says…
“Oh calm down. It’s not even in your face”
“Uh huh.”
“Naw. But we can definitely put it in your face”
Her mouth just drops as she looks up at me…
I spread her legs wide…
“Oh my gosh, these positions you got me in! These are not lady like positions!”
I just laugh at her…”what kind of positions are they then?”
“Prostitute positions!”
I laugh and kiss her…
Then I sit on the couch next to her…
“Willy Wonka…. are you a rapist?”
Damn, I don’t know how to answer that shit test… agree and amplify that? I bitch out on that…”Naw” is all I say…
We chill, talk for a little bit. Then I pull her on top of me… straddling me…
“Are you a rapist? This is what rapist do to girls! I saw it on the movies!”
That threw me off…”what movie were you watching?”
“All of them!”
“You’re retarded.”
“You’re a rapist! You’re a rapist!”
I still don’t how to kill this rapist shit, but I try…”You probably have a rape fantasy, huh?”
“No, I don’t have a rape fantasy!”
“Really? A lot of girls do… what kind of fantasies do you have?”
“I’m not telling you! I don’t even know you! I don’t have fantasies, I make realities…” she says…
“Oh really?”
“No, I’m just kidding…” she says and lays her head on my chest…”I’m tired.”
I grab her sides from under her shirt. “Do you like my body?” She says…
“No. Of course not”
“You keep grabbing it”
I get up and turn the lights off…. finally…
“I’m scared of the dark!” She says.
“I got you, you’re good.”
“Okay” she says and snuggles up to me when I sit back down…
I lay her down and we make out. I lick, suck, bite, her neck and ears some more..
I undo her bra again, lift her shirt up “what are you doing, Willy Wonka?” She asks…
I ignore her and just suck on her breasts, while she moans and rubs on my chest, abs and back.. her hands up my shirt…
I sit up and she keeps rubbing my abs…
I reach to take my shirt off…
“No! Don’t take your shirt off!” She says.
I do it anyway… then I kiss her some more, while she rubs on my back…
“Wait,” she says…”what time is it?”
“I don’t know…”
“Go get my phone,” she says…”if its 12:45, we need to leave, I still have to study.”
I try to ignore.
“No, seriously. Go get my phone. My mom could’ve called. If its 12:45 I really need to get going… well, we need to leave anyway…”
I reach for my shirt… she keeps rubbing my abs… I get up and she rubs my dick while I stand up…
I head to the door…
It’s 12:39…
LMR wins again….
Nèples Luc
Nèples Luc

- Architecte
- Formateur
Formation sur les techniques à la chaux et quelques autres, adaptées aux murs perspirants du bâti ancien (construit sans ciment) et du bâti écologique. En façade et à l'intérieur en déco. Synthèse pour les architectes et les artisans qui veulent avoir une vue d'ensemble sur ces techniques. La formation de 14h sur les techniques peut-être complétée par la formation de 14h "main à la pâte" où vous allez formuler et appliquer 10 techniques. Et vous repartirez avec 10 échantillons pour montrer à vos clients l'aspect ... d'un stuc, d'un enduit taloché ou graissé ou fouetté et les peintures minérales ... badigeons, patines, silicates, sans oublier les mortiers de reprise des pierres.
Nomade des Mers
Nomade des Mers
- une série documentaire de Laurent Sardi en vod sur Arte : https://boutique.arte.tv/detail/Nomade_des_mers
- lien organisme low tech lab https://lowtechlab.org/fr/le-low-tech-lab/les-actions/nomade-des-mers
- ci dessous 15 épisodes en streaming à regarder en famille
- Ingénieries
- Transitions


- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Construction bois
- Couvreur
- Enduiseur
- Etanchéité
- Isolation
- Maçon
PALEA conçoit et construit des maisons et extensions écologiques du XXIème siècle, rénovation, extension, surélévation principalement dans le Gard. PME Spécialisée en écoconstruction, notamment bois/ paille pour le neuf.
Extension, surrélévation, rénovation, isolation performante,...
- Enduiseur
Enduits, stucs, tadelakt, badigeon, fausses briques...
Travail sur des chantiers de maisons en paille / enduit terre chaux
Formation Batipole, formation à l'EEAM d'Albi, coloriste...

- Etanchéité
Entreprise existant depuis 2006 de 2 personnes spécialisée dans l’étanchéité des toitures.
OYAS ECO Bastien et Isabelle...
OYAS ECO Bastien et Isabelle...

- Céramiste
Artisans fabricants de céramique micro-poreuse, les poteries d'arrosage Oyas® diffusent lentement et naturellement l’humidité nécessaire aux plantes.
Chez Oyas®, nous avons une conviction : chaque geste a un sens.
Parce que nous sommes d'abord des artisans, nous sommes sensibles au geste. Le geste du potier, de la potière, porteur de savoir-faire et de technicité. Le geste ancestral qui perpétue le dialogue entre la main humaine et la matière dans une création vivante et sensible. Conscient de lui-même et de son impact. Le geste, les gestes. Tous les gestes du quotidien. Toutes nos actions, toutes nos décisions, tous nos choix.
Parce que nous n'avons pas peur des mots, nous sommes convaincu.e.s que chaque geste est politique. Que chaque choix de vie a un impact et qu'en prendre conscience nous rend nécessairement responsable.
- Autre
revendeur de bois
- Couvreur
- Isolation
Eco rénovation - isolation en matériaux bio-sourcés - couverture / toitures
Gary et Simon sont très attentifs à la qualité de leur travail et la satisfaction client.

- Charpentier
- Construction bois
- Couvreur
- Isolation
- Zingueur
Jean est artisan et très créatifs dans ses réalisations.
Peintures et fresques murales réalisées par Claire ATON
Peintures et fresques murales réalisées par Claire ATON
- Peintures minérales extérieures


- Maçon
- Murs Pierres Sèches
Artisan maçon du bâti ancien, formé au Gabion.
Damien travaille principalement la maçonnerie ancienne : Pierres sèches, enduits à la chaux façades, ouverture de murs porteurs, restauration de pierres et de moulures, souvent en mélange (Chaux/ciment Prompt-VICAT)
Possibilité d'intervenir sur des petits travaux d'électricité, de plomberie, de carrelage...
Damien intervient le plus souvent sur l'ouest de Montpellier depuis 2021 et travaille régulièrement avec Alexandre Biard et Philippe Eymard.
- Enduiseur
pickup techniques
pickup techniques
It Is All Facebook’s Fault…
How To Be Single at Your 10 Year Reunion
Are One Night Stands Bad?
The Truth About Free Dating Sites
Writing Good Loveawake.com Emails
Taking it Slow vs Taking it Nowhere
26 Things I’ve Learned About Dating
Being Selfish in A Relationship
Signs of a Douchebag
Rules for a Skype Date
on March 29, 2012 at 7:01 pm | ReplySamuel
I’d consider putting the smackdown on her for trying to get hand with sexting…
women’s secret weapon needs to be disarmed- “Its a little early to be showing all your cards, isnt it?”
“Thats too bad. I like girls who understand modesty.”
So she can see that she overplayed her hand, and that I have self-mastery and don’t start slobbering like Pavlov’s dog everytime I get a whiff of a female.
It’s good to have the upper hand. It’s unacceptable for the woman to have it.
It is also good to have “pimp hand” that will not hesitate to correct any attempts by the woman to gain hand.
on March 29, 2012 at 7:45 pm | ReplySamuel
proceeding to give her orders on what to do next, and praising her with “good girl” when she complies, is also an excellent approach.
Sets the proper frame, shows interest without deference or desperation.
on March 29, 2012 at 8:28 pm | ReplyYaReally
Said it before and I’ll say it again: most pickup techniques were just reverse-engineered from what girls do to guys.
- Architecte
- Matériaux de réemploi
Jaouen a fondé l'agence d'architecture en 2018.
Grande diversité des projets, de la maison individuelle aux logements collectifs ou bureaux das le tertiaire.
Ils aiment la complémentarité entre les échelles de chantiers. Du cas particulier reproduit à une taille beaucoup plus grande.
Intervention principalement sur la métropole de Montpellier avec une action au niveau politique pour faire bouger les lignes.
Grand intérêt pour les matériaux de réemploi en intégrant cette thématique dés la conception du projet.
Utilisation de terre crue, briques de chanvre, pierres naturelles et matériaux bio-sourcés.
Avec Laurie Métais et Grégoire Paccoud, également architectes, ils ont créé un bureau d'étude "Cycles et Sources" spécialisé dans la terre crue et le réemploi.
- Construction bois
- Isolation
Activité de construction bois, agencement, extensions, terrasses et isolation naturelle
Pose des plaques de sol de Fermacell
Pose des plaques de sol de Fermacell
Comment se protéger phoniquement des bruits d'impacts (plaques de sol avec sous couche bois ou liège) et du son (voix, musique) entre deux étages.
Autre avantage d'une chappe sèche : éviter d'amener trop d'eau dans la maison lors du chantier.
Ecolodeve a un jeu de règles de niveau que nous prétons pour faciliter la mise en oeuvre.
- Architecture/Construction
- Artisanat

Prendre soin du corps
Prendre soin du corps
Préserver sa Santé pour Construire Durablement
Dans notre secteur, où les efforts physiques intenses et les postures contraignantes sont monnaie courante, la santé est souvent mise à rude épreuve.Pour construire durablement, il est impératif de se protéger, le dos bien sur, mais aussi ses genoux pour prévenir les blessures ou douleurs chroniques.
Et il y a des équipements pour cela, auxquels on ne pense jamais et qui permettent une prise en charge préventive. Comme l’utilisation de genouillères adaptées, qui peut non seulement améliorer le confort, mais aussi augmenter la longévité physique des travailleurs.
Les Risques en Construction
Les métiers de la construction exposent souvent à des risques spécifiques pour les genoux :- Postures prolongées à genoux : travaux de carrelage, plomberie ou pose d’isolation. (il existe des genouillères qui roulent, plus besoin de se lever tout le tempsà roulette)
- Charges lourdes : augmentation de la pression sur les articulations.
- Impacts répétés : travaux sur sols durs ou accidentés.
Protéger les Genoux pour Travailler en Toute Sécurité
Adopter des mesures simples mais efficaces peut faire toute la différence :Utiliser des genouillères de protection pour absorber les chocs et réduire la pression sur les genoux.
Alterner les postures et faire des pauses régulières pour soulager les articulations.
Renforcer les muscles autour du genou pour mieux soutenir les mouvements.
Des solutions fiables, comme celles proposées par Genouillère Pro, permettent aux professionnels de la construction de travailler plus sereinement tout en prenant soin de leur santé. Ces équipements spécialement conçus pour les environnements exigeants assurent un confort optimal et une protection durable.
Penser à la santé de nos genoux, c’est penser à notre avenir.
- Mobilités
- Autre
Présentation et initiation enduits Argile d'Aquitaine - 2021
Présentation et initiation enduits Argile d'Aquitaine - 2021

Présentation produits San Marco Béton ciré - 2021
Présentation produits San Marco Béton ciré - 2021

Projection d'un enduit chaux/chanvre (Fondamente - 2022)
Projection d'un enduit chaux/chanvre (Fondamente - 2022)
L'enduit chaux/chanvre a été choisi pour isoler un mur nord.
Objectif du chantier :
- projeter un enduit chaux chanvre sur une épaisseur compris entre 8 à 10 cm sur environ 80 m²
Déroulement du chantier :
- durée de la projection : 1 1/2 jours
- prés de 9 m3 de chènevotte projetée
- Enduits Chaux-Chanvre
- Enduits isolants

Projection machine enduit chaux/chanvre (Viols Le Fort - 2022)
Projection machine enduit chaux/chanvre (Viols Le Fort - 2022)
travaux réalisés :
projection mécanisé d’un mélange chaux/ chanvre en vue d’une isolation thermique des murs en pierres
chiffres :
surface des murs : environ 80 m²
épaisseur du chaux/ chanvre appliqué : 12 cm
durée de l’intervention : 2 jours
particularités : par crainte d'éventuelles remontées d'humidités en pied de murs, un mélange de chaux/ liège expansé à été réalisé en banché avant la projection du chaux/chanvre
- Enduits Chaux-Chanvre

Christoph KNIFFKE (formateur)
- Enduiseur
RAMES Philippe
RAMES Philippe
- Architecte
Architecte - Dessinateur - Projeteur - Concepteur de maisons écologiques en Aveyron et dans les départements limitrophes
Red Flags and Green Lights: An Online Dating Survival Guide
Red Flags and Green Lights: An Online Dating Survival Guide
TFH August 29, 2014 at 19:28
Scumbags. I hope they pay for it, personally.
It is quite deliberate on the part of the British left. Random immigration from South Asia would still yield too small a percentage of Pashtuns and Kashmiris. They (Labour) deliberately sought out the group that would do the most damage, and disproportionately brought in that group with priority.
Remember, these are not the people who study STEM. You won’t easily meet a Pashtun , Wazir, or Kashmiri in the US, unless they are an Afghan asylee (which could be the path that is abused for entry into the US).
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 1
TFH August 29, 2014 at 19:48
Lastly, if there were 1400 victims in little Rotherham…
Then Greater London will have over 50,000. Remember, that is where there are not just Pakistanis, but a lot of Saudis and Emiratis who come for the summer to their London pads….
The reason the much larger London networks are not being busted is because the leftists are focused on covering that up. Rotherham slipped through the cracks.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 1
navian August 29, 2014 at 20:02
This will come as no surprise to readers here, but when the Duke false rape allegation was referenced in this piece, I was reminded of how when Crystal Magnum the false rape accuser , was convicted of the murder of her boyfriend, the comment sections on Yahoo and MSN were filled with, how” sorry people felt for her” type statements.
Bill’s article is another excellent expose of PC hypocrisy.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 0
Anonymous Reader August 29, 2014 at 20:02
It is no accident that the daughters of lower class English families are regarded as disposable by the upper class English politicians.
There has been a deliberate attempt to change the population of England, by the English Left – Labour politicians have even admitted to part of it.
You Might Be Interested TO Read Also:
Three Men To Avoid At The Bar
About Bad Guys And The Women Who Love Them
The Gangsta’s Guide To Watching Chick Flicks
When Your Valentine is Your Daughter
How To Date Like A Psychopath
What Women Find Irresistible
What Exactly Makes a “Good” Parent?
Who’s the No. 1 Woman in a Man’s Life?
Spouse or Parents…or Kids: Who Rank “First?”
We All Know That Black Girls Do That Right?
Modern Male Emasculation
The Surprising Power of a Simple Word in Dating
Rénovation d'une maison à Salvagnac
Rénovation d'une maison à Salvagnac
- Enduits Chaux-Chanvre
- Enduits isolants
Aurelien BARNOIN Christian Esposito
Réunion publique - Lancement de la 2ème levée de fonds pour la nouvelle centrale
Réunion publique - Lancement de la 2ème levée de fonds pour la nouvelle centrale

Rejoignez-nous à la réunion publique organisée pour le lancement de la 2ème levée de fonds pour la nouvelle centrale de 1 500 m² !
RDV le 14 avril 2023 à 18h30 Salle Marie-Christine Bousquet à Lodève
À l’heure où certains mettent en péril les terres agricoles en installant des champs de panneaux, détruisant ainsi le patrimoine rural, nous avons fait le choix, ensemble, de nous appuyer sur cet existant. En changeant la destination du bâtiment, nous faisons un pas dans le nouveau monde pour faire face aux enjeux actuels de notre territoire : nous finançons ensemble l’énergie de demain. Nous lançons la levée de fonds pour la tranche 2 à l’usine des Moulinages.
- 2 centrales de 100 KWc déjà installées sur les toits de l’usine
- Un investissement de 364 000 €
- 800 panneaux solaires installés
- 2 000 m² de toiture réhabilitée
- Un collectif de 270 sociétaires
- Modules fabriqués en France
Au regard de la conjoncture, il s’avère que ce pari était le bon : l’énergie est l’enjeu économique et stratégique majeur des prochaines années. Nous allons accentuer les efforts et lancer un nouveau chantier : l’installation d’une nouvelle centrale de 1 500 m².
On vous attend nombreux 😉

RIGAL Franck
RIGAL Franck
- Zingueur
Franck est artisan Zingueur et artiste également.
Réalisation de cuisine artistique
RIUS Joseph
RIUS Joseph
- Enduiseur
- Maçon
- Tailleur de pierres
Tailleur de pierres, maçonnerie, enduits

- Maréchal-ferrant
Maréchal Ferrant - intervention dans l'Hérault et plus particulièrement Montpellier - Lodève - Pèzenas
ROMERO Mathieu
ROMERO Mathieu
- Enduiseur
- Maçon
Maçonnerie - Enduits
- Charpentier
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Maçon
Ossature bois, charpente, maçonnerie, enduits
Accompagne sur des chantiers paille

- Construction bois
- Isolation
- Autre
Construction bois (gros œuvre et second œuvre compris), création de structures atypiques et de petits ouvrages de charpente. Agencement extérieur et intérieur en bois, isolation naturelle et rénovation écologique.
Accompagnement des auto-constructeurs et conseils à la bonne mise en œuvre des matériaux.
Levage à la corde traditionnel (en extérieur, comme en sous-œuvre), pour le respect du site et les travaux d’accès difficile. Formé par un centre de formation spécialisé reconnu. Prestation de levage et de conseil pour les particuliers et professionnels, solutions et techniques à mettre en œuvre pour un levage en sécurité, presque sans effort.
ROUSSET Jonathan
ROUSSET Jonathan
- Carreleur
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Maçon
- Murs Pierres Sèches
Jonathan est compagnon artisan maçon. Il apprécie le maçonnerie pierres, la création d'ouvertures et aime bien les enduits traditionnels à la chaux pour des façades pouvant atteindre 200 m² ou plus.
Réalisation de fours à pizza en terre cuite et d'aménagements autour du barbecue.
Jonathan pose des dallages extérieurs, des calades ou du carrelage.
Il travaille également l'aménagement intérieur, rénovation de salle de bain, pose d'isolants naturels, doublage intérieurs... notamment en hiver quand les conditions extérieures sont difficiles.
Jonathan travaille avec un apprenti et souvent avec en plus un compagnon itinérant faisant le tour de France.

- Charpentier
- Construction bois
- Isolation
Avec mon collègue Bruno nous réalisons tout ou partie d'une maison bois (bois massif ou ossature bois)
Nous faisons également de la couverture , de la pose de menuiseries, de parquet massif, etc.
Pose d'isolation naturelle, Fibre de bois, ouate de cellulose...
RUIZ Philippe
RUIZ Philippe
- Enduiseur
- Formateur
- Maçon
Enduits, Maçonnerie, Formateur
SALVAGNAC Christophe
SALVAGNAC Christophe
SAUVAYRE Sébastien
SAUVAYRE Sébastien
- Carreleur
- Isolation
- Plaquiste
Hervé est artisan plaquiste RGE.
Pose principalement de placo, mais aussi possibilité de mise en œuvre du fermacell.
Isolation en panneaux de fibre de bois, végétal (coton,lin et toile de jute) ou Cotonwool (pièces de jeans recyclés pour le phonique)
Hervé travaille en confiance avec d'autres artisans pour l'électricité, plomberie...

- Couvreur
- Zingueur
Couverture / Zinguerie
Elliott travaille le cuivre, le zinc, le plomb ... pour toute étanchéité de toiture, appuis de fenêtres... et réalise également des couvertures en tuiles, ardoises et ... en lauze calcaire avec d'autres collègues artisans.
- Isolation
- Jointeur
- Plaquiste
- Plâtrier
Cyril est artisan plâtrier staffeur, fabrication et pose de cornières en plâtre...
Il aime poser des plaques de placo ou de fermacell, quand c'est un peu technique...
Pose d'isolation naturelle...
Cyril est un ami de longue date, très bon dans son travail et d'une grande humilité.
SERVY Pierrick
SERVY Pierrick
- Carreleur
- Enduiseur
- Isolation
- Maçon
La Sarl Servy est composée de ... personnes. Pierrick est compagnon maçon.
Spécialisé dans les enduits à la chaux, chaux/chanvre, et hérisson pour dalles isolantes en granulats de verre expansé.
Travail manuel ou mécanisé .
SIMON Marcel
SIMON Marcel
- Construction bois
- Menuisier
- Autre
Sortie Culturelle
Sortie Culturelle

STATZ Bertrand
STATZ Bertrand
- Menuisier
Menuiseries bois et bois/alu, ossature bois, Zome géodésique
Stop Lying About Jilling Off!
Stop Lying About Jilling Off!
Attack of The Killer Ex
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy
One thing I loathe immensely is when I meet a woman on a free dating site and all of a sudden she becomes disgusted when the act of masturbation comes up into the conversation. Ironically enough, these are the same women who are also too easy to get into the sack and apparently like random penises going inside them, rather than pleasuring themselves the good ol’ fashioned way.
What is so wrong about ‘jilling off?’ (Jilling Off is the female equivalent to ‘jacking off’ for the uninitiated.) But more importantly, why are so many of you lying about it? According to a recent study I stumbled upon on my latest sex personals search, only 1 in 5 women admit to masturbating yet 44 percent of women own sex toys. So what the hell are the 24 percent of women (who apparently do not masturbate) using their sex toys for? Are they using them as sturdy paper weights for their mass collection of IN TOUCH magazines? I don’t think so.
I really wish women would be less uptight when it comes to the subject of masturbation. It’s perfectly normal to masturbate and I should know because I masturbate at least once or twice a day. (Okay, maybe I’m not the best example to go by.) Did you know that women who masturbate with their sex toys on a regular basis are far more likely to experience great orgasms than women who are scared to pet their beavers?
I want a girl to be open about her sexuality and a girl that knows her own body is far more likely to demand what she likes in bed and that is such a turn-on. Your vaginas don’t have teeth in them. (God, I hope not.) So don’t be afraid to diddle off from time to time. Everybody does it….even Oprah.
- Charpentier
- Construction bois
- Couvreur
- Isolation
Activité de construction bois et d'isolation naturelle depuis de nombreuses années.
Brice est artisan RGE pour des isolations aussi bien intérieures (laine de bois, ouate de cellulose..., qu'extérieures ITE en panneaux rigides de laine de bois ou de liège.
SUTTER Camille
SUTTER Camille

- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Peintre
Formée à l'école d'Avignon, j'interviens sur des décors peints principalement dans le bâti ancien.
Formulation des peintures à partir des recettes traditionnelles : chaux, caséine, peintures à la farine et réalisation d'enduits à la chaux (stuc, sgraffito,...)
Utilisation de peintures minérales de type Keim (Soldalit, Granital)
Réalisation de fresques, badigeons, et de fausses matières (bois, marbre, pierre) et tout type de décors peints en trompe l’œil)...
- Carreleur
- Couvreur
- Isolation
- Maçon
- Menuisier
- Plaquiste
Alain a une formation initiale de menuisier et gère aujourd'hui une entreprise artisanale de 6 salariés principalement en rénovation.
Pose de menuiseries et d'isolants naturels, Fibre de bois, cotonwool, Fermacell...
Nombreux engins à disposition : 2 camions plateaux, 2 fourgons, un télescopique rotatif 17 m, environ 400 m² d’échafaudage...
Zone d’intervention entre Lodève et Pézenas.

- Construction bois
- Isolation
- Menuisier
Louis fabrique fenêtres et portes... et réalise de l'agencement et du mobilier extérieur et intérieur, terrasses...
Pose d'isolation naturelle.
Témoignage de Bertrand ALEX, spécialiste de l'isolation Phonique/Acoustique écologique
Témoignage de Bertrand ALEX, spécialiste de l'isolation Phonique/Acoustique écologique
Témoignage de Claire ATON, artiste-peintre
Témoignage de Claire ATON, artiste-peintre
Témoignage de Marion T., auto-construction
Témoignage de Marion T., auto-construction
Témoignage de Mounira H., auto-construction
Témoignage de Mounira H., auto-construction
Témoignage de Salem, stagiaire chez Ecolodève
Témoignage de Salem, stagiaire chez Ecolodève
Témoignage de Sarah DESTOM et Christophe DIAZ, spécialisés en décoration enduits naturels
Témoignage de Sarah DESTOM et Christophe DIAZ, spécialisés en décoration enduits naturels
The Hangover: Pool Party Edition
The Hangover: Pool Party Edition
Leaving the Ghosts of an Ex Behind
Bitchiness as a Defense Mechanism: Lessons from Blogging About My Ex
Can You be Friends With an Ex?
The Men We Know We Have No Future With…
Men Who Ghost Before the First Date
No Strings Attached is Bullshit.
Do Women Really Want Equality In Relationships?
Your Best Friend the Hag
Why Being Single Doesn’t Suck
Rules For Hanging Out With Your Ex
How to Approach Guys in a Bar
How NOT to Approach A Guy In A Bar
8 Facts about Cheating
I woke up at 7am to the sound of another guy flipping over couch cushions looking for his keys. Of the couch I was on.
Where the fuck am I?
It took a few seconds to process it. I was on my friend’s girlfriend’s couch. It was his 25th birthday and she threw him a party. One guy was flipping over couch cushions looking for his keys and another guy was on the floor. The last memory I can conjure was the apartment being full of people, now it’s only us 3.
I sit up. ”What the hell? How’d I wind up sleeping on the couch? What the hell happened last night?” I say outloud to nobody in particular.
“Right. That’s the same thing I’m trying to figure out.” Says the guy on the floor.
My friend’s girlfriend walks in and looks at me, “you okay Wonka?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Oh okay. You were scaring those girls last night.”
“What?… which girls?”
“The ones that were here.”
“Which ones?”
“The ones that were here…”
I vaguely remember messing with a girl in a zebra-striped bikini top with a little blue in it… but my memories from last night are blurry at best.
I get up and hug my friend’s girl and tell her I’m headed out, then I ask, “did I just fall asleep on the couch? Or what happened?”
“You actually fell asleep on the cooler that’s in the fridge…”
Oh wow. Damn. Rather than inquire further I decided to just head home so I can lay in a bed.
On the drive home I tell myself to be careful, it’s possible that I’m still legally drunk. I still feel tipsy.
I get home, guzzle water and lay down on the couch…. then I realize my parents are out of town and decide to lay down and their bed… fuck having to walk up stairs. I can’t be bothered with shit like that right now.
After sleeping for a few more hours, I wake up for real and look at my phone. Two new numbers from last night and one of them has already texted me this morning:
9:54 am: It was nice meeting you last night
Oh, this girl… I remember her. She was fine too.
I try to think back to what I can remember of the party. It was a pool party with lots of food, lots of alcohol and some strippers were supposed to show up. The invite said 4-10. I rolled up about 7pm, and people were just starting to crawl in.
First thing I did was grab a drink and a plate of food and look for a place to sit down, I walk near a group of three girls and they say to me “you can sit here, we won’t bite.” So, I sit there.
They’re extra friendly, particularly the cutest one and me and her hit it off well. Early into the conversation I say something and she responds, “oh my gosh, where are you from?” In an excited manner because of my voice.
Instead of answering I flip the question back to her, “where are you from from?”
“Oh shit!” she says and turns back to her friends, “I think I need to get in the pool after that!”
Her and I continue talking and one of her friends jumps in, “wait a second, Wonka… are you single?”
“Yeah” I say. No hesitation at all. Damn. I didn’t even realize I said it until after I said it.
“Oh okay, you can keep talking to my friend then.” She says.
Honestly, I’m a little skeptical of this whole situation, these girls were extra friendly to me from the moment I sat down, I didn’t open them, then talked to me first, I’m not even having to run much game and this one girl is acting like she’s into me. I can’t help but think…. are these the strippers that are supposed be showing up? Are they just friendly because they’re working and they’re gonna try to get some dollars from me later when they start dancing?
They look like they could be strippers. Whatever that means…
They’re attractive girls in bathing suits at a pool party, a couple of tattoos here and there.
After talking to this girl a little longer, she decides to get the pool and I finish eating and move around to fill up my drink and mix and mingle some more.
I stop by the beer pong table and check out the game. My friend takes me inside to show me the ice sculpture and the cake his girl had made for him. Then, I head back outside to the pool area… I spot one guy talking to two girls by himself and kind of go and linger over there and and get myself into the conversation. One of the girls came with him, so I figure the other one is fair game.
My friend’s girlfriend who’s putting the party on comes by with a stack of ones… “Does anybody need change? We have some wholesome young ladies coming who like to take their clothes off…”
So, the strippers aren’t here yet… good to know..
The dude I’m in the set with starts calling the girl I was talking to a stripper, he jokes around and teases her and says she dances special on Tuesday nights and says her stage name is “Sweet Pea”. I join in and basically start calling her Sweet Pea for the rest of the night.
When my cup gets empty I call “Sweet Pea!” She turns around, “What’s up?…. wait, that is not my name!”
“My drinks empty.” I say and hand her the glass.
“What do I look like, the drink hoe?”
“Long island, the first one over there on the table.” I ignore her question about whether or not she’s the drink hoe and point out what I want.
She sighs and walks over there to get me a drink. I go back to talking to whoever I was talking to. She comes back with my cup full and hands it to me. I look down at it. ”This looks like a Long Island Tea… no ice.”
“Uggh!” she sighs, “you want ice too?”
“Yep.” I hand my cup back to her. She goes to get me ice and comes back.
The night continues on. More mixing and mingling and meeting people. At one point I wind up back in the club house and I’m messing with a new girl who’s into me, until I touch her and her girlfriend… yes, her girlfriend… says, “nu huh, you have to pay to touch her.” Damn, lesbians… they’re so possessive.
One of the girls from the very beginning of the party catches me in the clubhouse too. The one that asked if I was single earlier. ”Wonka, you need to go talk to [my friend]….. she’s interested.”
After this, we wind up by the pool and the strippers show up and start dancing…. my memory of the night starts to fade around this point honestly. I remember there being strippers there, and I remember them being topless, and I remember I was right there in the middle of it all, but that’s all I remember. I imagine I was slapping the strippers on the ass at the least… but I don’t even know if I got a lap dance or not. Couldn’t tell you…
I also remember….. surrounding the time when the strippers were there, I was poolside in a lounge chair with the first girl, the one I thought who is “interested”. I’ll call her The Nurse. I also don’t remember much about this interaction. I don’t remember anything that was said other than her repeating “oh my gosh Wonka, you’re bad! you’re bad!” I remember she said that at least a few times… and then there’s this text exchange between myself and my friend who’s party it was, which I imagine is around that time:
Me, 10:47 pm: Tell this girl [The Nurse] I got that good
My friend, 10:55 pm: Who is this
Me, 10:55 pm: Wonka
My friend, 10:56 pm: Why ya number ain’t show up lol. N idk who u talking bout
Damn… is that how my dumb ass texts when I’m drunk?
Smh. And, I don’t know why I was texting him from my Google voice number and not my actual cell number either..
Anyway, I remember I continued getting Sweet Pea to fill my cup up for me and at some point, she looked at another chick next to her and said, “I’m the ice hoe now.”
The cops came… I remember that.
A lot of people left, including The Nurse and Sweet Pea, but a portion of us headed upstairs to the after party…
At the after party I kept messing with two chicks, one with a yellow top on and some huge ass titties and another, skinnier girl with a zebra striped top on with some blue in it. I remember I like her for some reason. She seemed nice and young too. That’s pretty much it for my memory though…. I was there messing with those two girls… and then next thing I know I was waking up on the couch.
With two new numbers in my phone, The Nurse and Sweet Pea. And, The Nurse was already texting me…
The Modern Wingwoman: Friendship in the Dating Scene
The Modern Wingwoman: Friendship in the Dating Scene
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
And then — within each nugget of succession to reach that point, there is area for discussion. How does express one’s agency? How do you truly make an informed decision about first night nookie in the face of hundreds of unknown factors regarding your partner? What do you want out of the situation? What does the other person want? How are all these questions affected by both past experiences and societal stereotypes and norms? How does each person regard the meaning of sex — as an expression of deep affection and love, simply as sex, or as some other thing? And furthermore, why should ANYONE have to run through these over-analytical questions? In the fluid moment, there is a point of diminishing return when you start thinking too much about all this.
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26jackie November 7, 2010 at 11:30 AM
Semper I’ve long believed that it’s impossible to define yourself until you’re out of context: what are YOUR thoughts/opinions as opposed to the influence your parents/friends and society in general has on your decisions. Unfortunately none of us live in a fishbowl; we’re constantly bombarded by external voices that compete for dominance. Personally I believe as we’ve grown in intellect we’ve faded in instinct. Ten thousand years before we could write or speak we made these kind of decisions without being overly analytical, and we managed to become the dominant species on the planet. Remove the elements with agendas; your mind can play tricks on you and your heart can outright lie, but instincts rarely betray you if you learn to listen to them. The best decisions are usually the ones that require the least deliberation.
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27Dawn November 7, 2010 at 11:37 AM
The Power of Appreciation: Strengthening Your Bond with Your Partner
The Power of Appreciation: Strengthening Your Bond with Your Partner
Stop Comparing Us To Aidan From Sex And The City!
The Truth About Women’s Dating Blogs
Is Bradley Cooper The Male Carrie Bradshaw?
My Low-Maintenance Dream Girl Wishlist
The Little Things Women Do That Turn Men On
Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
Why Your Dating Standards Start with You
The Backlash of Fornication for Single Christians
Learn to Trust God’s Warnings in Relationships
10 Qualities Saved Sisters Seek in a Man
Overcoming Dating Angst as a Christian
July 16, 2010 at 10:21 am
Hey all-
Just reposting what I posted on the CFC part II of all this.
If we can turn our attention to these lines from the Combahee River Collective Statement, I think it might show the longevity of what Crunktastic raises, as their seems to be a question about whether her experience is translatable. My Spelman sister reminded me of this and I think it warrants repeating in this conversation.
\”We discovered that all of us, because we were \”smart\” had also been considered \”ugly,\” i.e. \”smart-ugly.\” \”Smart-ugly\” crytallized the way in which most of us had been forced to develop out intellects at great cost to our \”social\” lives. The sanctions in the Black and white communities against Black women thinkers is comparatively much higher than for white women, particularly ones from the educated middle and upper classes.\”
Do you think that these words help this conversation along? I guess I was/am surprised at the surprise at what has been expressed here. I’m really not sure how victimization at the hands of men, even daily, precludes the conclusions drawn by Crunktastic and other commentors or by the writers of the Combahee River Statement (some of whom have written about their survival of such abuse). Seems to be a sentiment that black feminists have been wrestling with for a while, at least since ’74. Please follow the link to see what Quirky Black Girls Lex and I were thinking about when we excerpted this from the statement as part of the Combahee Survival project she created. Also Kameelah adds her own story which also connects to what is happening here as well.
She writes:
The Psychology Behind the Pursuit in Dating
The Psychology Behind the Pursuit in Dating
Why Trying to "Be More Feminine or Masculine" is a Trap
"Not Good Enough"
Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
Things I Have Learned About Dating
Fear in Dating and Relationships
Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
Marrige and Happiness
Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
Disappearing Dates
The other thing is, aside from some nasty fights with my parents when I came out five years ago, I have never faced any practical discrimination for my sexuality. I always worry how much, if at all, I should participate in discussions about LGBT issues by LGBT folks, because I don’t feel like I’ve “earned” the right to participate. While I’ve certainly experienced some mild variations on biphobia, they hardly meet the standard of institutionalized oppression, and I am so universally assumed to be straight by people who don’t know me that I’m not facing any homophobia in my daily life.
This, I think, is why it is valuable to carve out at least a little separate space for bisexual folks to talk about the experiences particular to bisexuality. Many of us do not fit neatly into existing “LGBT” spaces which tend to emphasize gay and lesbian members’ interests and experiences, and I am always afraid of pushback, subtle or overt, against a straight-appearing person who’s had mostly opposite-sex relationships, participating in queer spaces online and in real life.
@Alexandra: IMO, you definitely have the right to speak, but I think a huge thing to remember for the bi people who typically end up in relationships that pass for cis+het is to be aware of intersectionality and to not speak so loudly that other oppressed people’s voices are drowned out.
I came from where you are now — for years and years, my relationships with other females were either romantic and non-primary or strictly sexual, while my long-term relationships and primaries were with males. It is a completely different world to be building a home with and engaged to another female.
My brains are too full to fully reply, but your second and third paragraphs… yes, precisely.
Computer Soldier Porygon
Computer Soldier Porygon
May 14, 2013 at 3:39 am | Permalink
This is similar to how I feel although you’ve defs got more ~street cred than I do – but my experience with women is really limited in comparison to my experience with men. All of my Relationships have been with men. I’m currently in an LTR with a man. I am read as straight. I have never come out to my family. I have experienced very little in the way of direct hits to my sexuality besides, like, one guy kind of ribbing me about it one time when we were like fourteen (and he came out eight years later, so I don’t really hold that against him). I mean, I fully benefit from het and cis privilege although I feel completely fucked in the head about my sexuality and my gender.
The Top 5 F*cked Up Things Men Do to Women (That They Don't Even Realize)
The Top 5 F*cked Up Things Men Do to Women (That They Don't Even Realize)
The Savvy Woman’s Guide To Decoding Men On Twitter
The Kind of Woman a Man Never Forgets
News Flash: That Guy You're With Is a Pig
99 Remedies For the Relationship Impaired
Riding In Cars With Girls
Advice To My Teen Son About Women And Dating
Why Boys And Girls Need Different Dating Advice
Think Like A Man
What Makes You So Sure You're Wife Material
When Smart People Make Dumb Dating Decisions
This is a day-of official announcement for those individuals in DC who may not have seen the notice on Facebook and/or Twitter.
Today, Wednesday, February 22, 2012, Panama Jackson from Very Smart Brothas and Rahiel Tesfamariam from Urban Cusp will be moderating a panel discussion on Black Identity & Culture in Mass Media from 6-8PM at the Washington Post Community Room, located at the Washington Post buildling (1150 15th Street, NW).
From the flyer, here’s the intro and purpose of the event:
Panama Jackson of Very Smart Brothas and Rahiel Tesfamariam of Urban Cusp will moderate a Black History Month dialogue led by a panel of dynamic artists, bloggers, journalists, and filmmakers on representations of Black American identity and culture in the media and entertainment industries. The discussion will seek to inspire guests to have greater individual and collective impact on the shaping of Black American “popular culture.”
If you’re available and in Washington, DC, tonight, come on through and join in on the discussion and if we’re lucky, it will be like a real live VSB post in action. Complete with comments and the whole 9.
See you tonight!
(For the record, I’m aware that it’s merely KONY 2012, but I’m going to make a point with that.)
Criticism, like love, is a many splendored thing. Truth is, it’s way easier to criticize something or somebody than it is to acknowledge that something or somebody is actually attempting to make a difference and give credit where credit is due. Such brings us to the present day (well last week and running currently) KONY 2012 campaign by the company and organization Invisible Children.
To be fair, I knew very little about this until yesterday when I read somebody’s Facebook status criticizing the Kony 2012 thing on the grounds that anybody who cares about this now and didn’t pay attention to any myriad African causes is hypocrtical and ill-informed. Fair enough, but totally misses the boat. But we’ll get to that in a moment. Back to me just finding out what in Sam Hill this Kony thing is about.
TOITOT Dominique
TOITOT Dominique
- Architecte
- Enduiseur
Etudes, Eco-rénovation, Enduits
Un beau logo pour Yeswiki
Un nouveau thème pour Yeswiki
Un nouveau thème pour Yeswiki
Margot permettra d'unifier les rendus graphiques des wikis.
Unseen and Untold: Real-Life Relationships Hollywood Won’t Show You
Unseen and Untold: Real-Life Relationships Hollywood Won’t Show You
Navigating Honesty in Modern Relationships
What Men REALLY Mean: A Guide for Women
How To Be Single And Sober
How A Glass Of Water Can Destroy Your Love
When Love Ignore Red Flags and Common Sense
Why You Shouldn’t Live Together Before Marriage
Shallow Men: A Big Waste
Real Relationships You’ll Never See In A Movie
What Men’s Behavior Reveals About Masculinity
My Problem With Church
Trust Issues: Why Women Don't Trust Men
For an artist so concerned with legacy, so concerned with how his work is regarded, you have to wonder why he’d willingly enter a relationship that would have such an effect on how people regard his work.
(Actually, I don’t really wonder why. Although Kanye has been the subject of numerous gay rumors, he’s always struck me as a person who’s exclusively attracted to and infatuated with women and completely dependent on their validation. Basically, he seems like the type of guy who needs women to cum while f*cking him for him to get any lasting pleasure out of sex. Sure, the woman “wins,” but it’s really all about him and proving to himself—and her—that he has that power. For a person who thinks like this, Kim Kardashian—a woman whose popularity largely stems from being the amalgamation of a million different porn-addicted men’s sexual chimeras—is not only an understandable choice, she’s the best one.)
5. I think certain decisions Kanye has made has caused many to think of him as a shameless attention whore. I’ve never agreed with this, mainly because I can’t think of a current celebrity who’s noticeably disquieted by attention more than he is. It feels like he wants to be known and thought of, but not actually engaged unless he has complete control of the interaction. Basically, he’s the music world’s unlikeliest introvert.
6. I think Kanye is the single most important person in music right now. I think he’s very aware of this. He also must be aware that his last album was regarded by many very serious hip-hop critics as one of the best rap albums ever made. I think this would put any artist under a shitload of pressure. I’m (obviously) not sure how Kanye is handling this, but I think we’ll have a better idea June 18th.
I generally do not believe that you need to have experience doing something in order to offer an thorough critique of someone who is. You do not need to have experience as president in order to be critical of Obama’s policies, you do not need to be a working actor or director in order to write a comprehensive film review, and you do not need to have played a sport on its highest level in order to coach it there. There’s no hypocrisy or inauthenticity there. Sometimes it takes a person on the “sidelines” to better assess a situation because their potentially panoramic knowledge about a topic and their lack of personal engagement with it allows them to be both more insightful and more objective.
VIALA Laurent
VIALA Laurent
Scierie Aveyronnaise indépendante, utilisation de bois locaux (douglas et châtaigner, sapin, peuplier)
A votre service pour tous vos projets de construction ou de rénovation de charpentes ou autre, sur mesure.
Du petit carrelet à la grosse poutre mais aussi: planches, chevrons, madriers, bardage claire voie coupé à 30°, mi-bois ou autre, nous réaliserons votre commande selon vos besoins.
VIDAL Jean-Baptiste
VIDAL Jean-Baptiste

- Charpentier
- Isolation
- Menuisier
Construction Bois : maisons et chalets, Agencement intérieur et extérieur, bardages, Terrasses.
Jean Baptiste est très posé et minutieux dans son travail. C'est toujours un plaisir de travailler ensemble.
Visite commentée et échanges aux Moulinages - 2022
- Chanvre / terre ou chaux
- Enduiseur
- Maçon
- Tailleur de pierres
Taille de pierres, Enduits, Béton Déco - Stuc - Maçonnerie.
Quentin a réalisé plusieurs chantiers de projection machine chaux/chanvre.
Il fabrique également des ouvrages en voutes sarrasine.
- Décorateur
- Enduiseur
- Peintre
Spécialisée dans la terre et la peinture décorative depuis plus 30 ans.
Réalisation des chantiers d'enduits terre, de sols en terre, de murs en pisé
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Why Voting Might Be Your Best Dating Strategy
Why Voting Might Be Your Best Dating Strategy
Single Men Who Want More Women
Open Letter To Men Who Want More
For Men Who Love Poly Dating
Progressive Love Applauds Too $hort
Is Love the Most Feared Emotion?
Love Kills Self Love & Self Esteem
Are Nagging & Cheating Equally Damaging?
Why Do We Fall In Love? Is It Healthy?
Why Master Monogamy
TFH, once again your contributions are powerful and informative. Thanks so much.
Elmer, outstanding find. Beyond parody indeed. I almost feel sorry for the moose. What was she thinking?
Grant, thanks for the reality check on these women “coders.” The women profiled in these articles are always lightweights, they’re all working on something dating-related and trivial and all would be better employed using their above-average DNA to raise intelligent children.
To all not mentioned, thank you and keep it coming!
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bob August 31, 2014 at 13:28
DCM Said August 30, 2014 at 02:51:
Islam, at least, certainly offers men an alternative to a native culture controlled by liberals and feminists.
In the same way that cyanide is an alternative to a headache.
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Grant August 31, 2014 at 13:59
Follow up on the tech girl underwear ad: I just noticed the following article linked directly below the underwear article. Judging from the URL, the original title of the article was “Here’s How To Make Sleazy Tech Guys Stop Hitting On You.” Way to go girls, let us know how you really feel about the tech industry and the men who created it.
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TFH August 31, 2014 at 14:01
This horror, as bad as it is, is perhaps the way to prevent the next 10 such occurances.
This incident, more than any other I can think of, exposes the total fraud of what ‘feminism’ is, and we should keep shoving this incident in their fat, surly faces.
Women are creatures of habit just like most men.
Women are creatures of habit just like most men.
The Unforgettable First Kiss
Jealousy Versus Envy
Love Addict: The Pregnancy Dilemma
How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?
Most Radical Relationship Books On the Market
We Hold Ourselves Back
What Happens When You Actually In Relationship??
Is a Same-Sex Encounter Important in Living Holistically?
You’re a Selfish Bitch and That’s Why You’re Not Married
Learning How to Love Yourself
Love Addict: Writing the Personal
How Do You Learn to Let Go?
He pulls her in, bearded mofo fades away instantly, and within two minutes not only is the girl hanging off him but her friend is laughing and touching him all over.
That fucking hand is the most magical thing I’ve seen in my life. I drop that thing everywhere I go now. Super hot babe in a packed bar, swarmed by uglier friends and guys buzzing by trying to get her attention? Turn, hold out the hand, wait till she takes it and now she’s dancing in your arms thinking “who is this cocky motherfucker.”
Try it. Do it. Even the ones that resist, you can watch them squirm and see how hard it is for them to say no. Most comply, you’ve skipped the stupid “open” step and it’s on.
The ultimate opener has been discovered. Take this power. It’s yours now.
Wow, that is quite brilliant. It would be incredibly hard not to take a man’s hand once it’s been offered. It’s almost unconscious on the woman to simply take it.
Women are creatures of habit just like most men. I used to run a gag on several women in my office when I worked in Manhattan. If they were in another cubicle and I couldn’t see them, or if on the phone, I’d suddenly blurt out in the middle of a sentence, “Wow, that’s a nice outfit you’ve got on today!” or “Hey, I really like what you’ve done with your hair.”
Now, we can’t see each other, but instantly, they will say, “Thank you.” Little girls are taught by age 11 to thank everyone that says they are wearing a pretty dress. They spend their lives doing this, until it’s left on autopilot.
I don’t know if this counts as a neg, but everyone always laughs at a woman who thanks a man that compliments her when everyone knows he can’t even fucking see her.
That always made me crack up how consistently they fell for that. Exploiting the conventions of social courtesy and manners is a great way to leverage.
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Yeswiki : le site officiel
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Yeswiki : le site officiel
Yeswiki : le site officiel
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Youpi ici c'est le titre
Youpi ici c'est le titre
Yvetot Guillaume
Yvetot Guillaume
- Charpentier
- Couvreur
Maison paille
ZEMBOK Anatole
ZEMBOK Anatole
- Construction bois
- Spectacle vivant
Christine Pierre et Anatole Zembok ont une compagnie de spectacle qui propose des animations autour du Bambous.
"Ils travaillent corps et objet, pour créer des architectures vivantes. Fascinés par les vertus, les performances, l’efficacité structurelle, l’esthétique et les qualités écologiques du bambou, ils explorent ce matériau depuis plus de 10 ans (spectacles, installations, transmission, conceptions et constructions de structures évolutives, chapiteau de bambous). Leur travail se situe entre les arts vivants, l’artisanat et l’architecture."
Installations vivantes, archi-structures en bambous.
Anatole se lance également dans la réalisation de petites structures mobiles de type Tiny house à partir de bambous.
ZEZULA Thibaud
ZEZULA Thibaud
- Chauffagiste
- Installateur thermique
- Plombier
- plomberie
- chaudières
- solaire thermique
- pompe à chaleur
- climatisation
- poêle à bois/granulé